“Report full of hatred”: UN claims Israel is to blame for conflict with Palestinians

by time news

A report released today (Tuesday) by the UN Human Rights Council accuses Israel of a conflict with the Palestinians and claims that “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank fuels increased resentment among the Palestinian people and fuels an endless cycle of violence.” Biased and one-sided, tainted with hatred for the State of Israel. “

The 18-page report of the UN Commission of Inquiry into the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel, marks the first in a series of annual reports to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The commission plans to focus in part Of Israel on issues of discrimination by the Jewish state, within and outside the sovereign borders of the state.

“The findings and recommendations relevant to the underlying causes were directed for the most part towards Israel, and they are an indication of the asymmetrical nature of the conflict and the reality of one country occupying the other,” said one of the heads of the commission of inquiry. The report spoke of Israel’s operations in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem as a “permanent” situation, noting that the situation was unlikely to end without international intervention.

“The committee notes the strength of the seemingly credible evidence available, convincingly indicating that Israel has no intention of ending the occupation, has a clear policy of ensuring full control of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and works to change the demographics by maintaining a repressive environment for Palestinians and a comfortable environment for Israeli settlers,” it said. In the report.

The report also addressed Palestinian violence against Israelis and spoke of the need for all parties, including Palestinian armed groups, to respect international law. He specifically noted the indiscriminate firing of rockets at Israel, but did not talk about violations of Hamas international law.

Unlike previous UN inspections, the report focuses not only on Israeli actions on the ground that the UN seizure will eventually be part of a Palestinian state, but it also plans to examine Israeli actions within its sovereign borders, including on issues of discrimination.

Israel feared that the commission of inquiry would accuse Israel of apartheid crimes, similar to reports already published by a number of NGOs. She rejected the apartheid argument that puts racial issues at the heart of the conflict with the Palestinians, arguing that her conflict with the Palestinians is territorial, temporary in nature and has nothing to do with racial issues.

The report does not mention the word apartheid, but did talk about Israeli discrimination methods and what he called “Israel’s failure to comply with the International Convention on Racial Discrimination.” “The existing and systematic structural discrimination against non-Jews in Israel,” it was written.

The report further states that “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank feeds increased resentment among the Palestinian people and fuels an endless cycle of violence,” and the committee noted that “ending the occupation will not be enough, and further steps must be taken to ensure all Palestinians and Israel enjoy full human rights.” Without any discrimination. ”

The Foreign Ministry responded: “A biased and one-sided report, tainted with hatred of the State of Israel”

At the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responded strongly to the publication of the report, claiming that the report of the Human Rights Council’s commission of inquiry, published today, is nothing more than a waste of money and effort by the UN systems as part of the witch hunt conducted by the Human Rights Council against Israel. Affected by hatred of the State of Israel and based on a long line of “unilateral reports and previous poles.”

“The report ignores years of murderous terrorism by Palestinian terrorist organizations against Israeli citizens, as well as the long – standing Palestinian refusal and the savage and antisemitic incitement of the Palestinian Authority and its mechanisms. The commission of inquiry ignored the real reasons that led Israel to defend its citizens against murderous terrorist organizations that commit a double war crime: shooting at Israeli civilians from civilian areas in the Gaza Strip. ”

The Commission of Inquiry and the biased report it issued are the result of the Council’s extreme anti-Israel bias towards the ZA. The State of Israel will continue to protect its citizens in accordance with the highest “international values ​​and standards,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Movement “Fighters for Peace” In response to the publication of the report: The report states a simple and clear truth: At the root of all problems, and violence on all sides, is the occupation. Only its end can ensure the protection of the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. As a condition for any cooperation. “

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