Marine Le Pen calls on voters to “mobilize”

by time news

“Help me help you”: Marine Le Pen urged voters on Tuesday to vote in the first round of legislative elections, faced with the “dramatic” situation in the country, during a trip to Loiret.

A trip to the Loiret

“I have come to tell the French that we need them, because the match is not over”, launched the presidential finalist, during a support visit to the RN candidates from Loiret, in Corbeilles-en- Gatinais.

Marine Le Pen moved to the fourth constituency of Loiret to support the RN candidate Thomas Ménagé, who faces the former Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer (LREM). During the second round of the presidential election, this constituency had voted for Marine Le Pen at 52%.

A worrying situation according to Marine le Pen

The legislative elections are “crucial” because the deputies can offer a “counter-power to the President of the Republic”, she estimated in this village of 1,500 inhabitants, near Montargis.

“It is possible, as we speak, that Emmanuel Macron does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly. It is still necessary that the French move to vote, and in particular those, and they are very numerous, who are opposed to the toxic policy of Emmanuel Macron, ”launched the MP for Pas-de-Calais.

“The situation in the country is worsening at a spectacular, confusing speed. This is the snowball phenomenon. Wherever you look, the situation is dramatic”, she judged, citing in particular insecurity and “the Stade de France affair”, “the collapse of the public hospital”, the pension reform in come or “speed dating” to recruit in the National Education.

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