Crisis at the hospital: small gatherings, big fed up

by time news

In the emergency department of the Timone hospital (AP-HM), in Marseille, no striker’s armband or banner on the facade suggests the day of national mobilization. The staff are present this Tuesday, June 7th. “We all received our requisition order last week”, explains Elodie Lemariey, 37, one of the service’s health managers. However, nurses, nursing assistants and doctors all say to each other “very concerned” and testify to a general weariness. Here, out of thirty doctor’s posts, fourteen are vacant.

“If someone asks me what I want right away, I answer: doctors! » Head of the emergency department, Céline Meguerditchian juggles, like every day, with her duty rosters. Today, they are four emergency doctors and an orthopedic doctor. “We should be nine, but we have reorganized to ensure continuity and respect working times”, she assures. Since midnight, 80 patients have come to the service. The saturation threshold is set at sixty. Here, with an average of 250 passages per day, it is regularly reached.

The emergency crisis is the starting point for this Tuesday’s mobilization. For lack of caregivers, 120 services have been forced to limit their activity or are preparing for it, according to a count established at the end of May by the SAMU-Urgences de France association. On May 31, Emmanuel Macron announced the launch of a “flash mission”, led by François Braun, president of SAMU-Urgences de France, who will have to submit his conclusions to the Minister of Health. “no later than 1is July “.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Cherbourg, Emmanuel Macron returns to the field to try to stem the emergency crisis

But the announcement does not reassure. “What will be settled in a month? », wonders a nurse executive present in the Bordeaux procession, denouncing a new measure ” Pad “. Many executives from the three sites of the Bordeaux University Hospital Center (CHU) – Pellegrin, Haut-Lévêque and Saint-André – mobilized. They emphasize the importance of their participation, in support of emergencies, while on May 18, the CHU Pellegrin department closed its doors to all comers from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. At these times, it is the SAMU that does the sorting for entries.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At the SAMU in Bordeaux, answering calls when emergencies are slowing down

“People do not measure the urgency”

At the end of the procession of the event, part of the Rennes University Hospital, Dorothée Degruson, who represents the Inter-hospital Collective (CIH), came to make the voice of users heard. In the gathering, which numbers some 200 people, few non-health professionals. “People do not measure the urgency. When they come to the hospital, they are well cared for by a busy but smiling staff despite all the malfunctions. »

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