Saar: “Some parties dismantle the government”; Likud: “Women are a dangerous government”

by time news

Against the background of the Knesset plenum’s rejection on first reading of the bill to extend the validity of emergency regulations in Judea and Samaria, Justice Minister and Tikva Hadasha chairman Gideon Saar said tonight (Tuesday) that “some parties have violated coalition discipline and are in fact striving to dissolve the government.” He said this in an interview with News 12, adding that “these regulations are of such great importance to the State of Israel that it is worth making every effort to pass them.”

Saar added that “the members of the opposition, I know some of them well and I was with them when they voted for the disengagement in 2005. Yesterday, Benjamin Netanyahu voted again for the disengagement, this time from Judea and Samaria.”

He went on to say: “I do not cover the problems within the coalition, there is a national and values ​​issue here, is a movement that was until recently a ruling movement interested in dismantling the entire infrastructure of the State of Israel in Judea and Samaria after 55 years. “On the verge of madness. If the coalition cannot pass such laws, it is on a clear slope.”

The minister was then asked if he had changed his mind about a joint meeting with opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. It is not at all clear what will be in advance, what the results will be. I do not have the privilege of giving up. “

Voting on the Judea and Samaria Law, Video: Knesset Channel

He added that “for the last year of the government the national interest has not been harmed at all. At the same time I can not be blind to the possibility that this experiment has exhausted itself, if the left side in government does not recover this will be the case.”

On a joint run with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Saar said: “We are not in an election campaign and not close to it. My plan is to continue to lead a new hope. However I do not think we are supposed to get to the election at all.”

The Likud said in response that “Israeli citizens expected to hear Gideon Saar stand behind his words that a government that cannot pass Zionist laws cannot continue. Instead, it continues to artificially breathe into a dangerous government controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and pays billions to Mansur Abbas, Tibi and Zoabi.”

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