Mansour Abbas v. Likud: “Corrupt the meaning of everything in the Knesset plenum”

by time news

Member of Knesset Mansour Abbas (RAAM) spoke this morning (Wednesday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko about the latest developments in the political system. “I do not think we are done, we have a long way to go,” he said at 103FM “From the right and left ends of the political map, so that together they can form a government that will function for a year, pass budgets and lots of laws and run the country well from Netanyahu’s government – he succeeded.”

“We need to address the challenges that come from a number of Knesset members and not only from Ra’am, but also from Meretz and the right, because the coalition is not only run on the basis of party policies and the positions of party leaders, but every MK today can either hold or overthrow this coalition. “, He stressed. He was asked about a member of his party Balance of scoundrelsAnd replied: “He is our partner and we respect him. Mazen Ghanaim does not think today that we should go to the polls and dismantle all this factory we created together, but he has a certain difficulty, not only him, several more MKs from several parties. We have to sit, discuss Then decide what interest will guide us. “

He was asked if he thought MK Ghanaim should resign, and replied: “Mezen and I are having a dialogue on the good of Arab society and together we will decide, and of course Mazen himself has this right to make the decision.” . “We looked at all aspects and he told me unequivocally that he did not want us to go to a fifth election. Each MK is a sovereign in his own right. .

If you say this government is functioning well, if you have a problem, you should move it aside, right?
“If I have a problem, I will say it directly, not through the media. I do not want us to focus on just one person, we have a challenge in a coalition with several MKs, Arabs and Jews, right and left. For me, as chairman of RAAM, I will “Every effort is made to maintain this coalition. If I come to the conclusion that the functioning coalition cannot be held, I will suggest that the leaders of the coalition parties go to the polls and that the people decide whether this path of change coalition is appropriate.”

If you go to such elections, is there a situation where you go with Netanyahu?
“I am currently in partnership. I have a signed coalition agreement. I am not one of those Knesset members and people who are negotiating in secret. I have an agreement and I respect it until the last minute. ”

Abbas further stated that he does not budget a limited time for him to remain in the coalition. “We need to run responsibly and stately. The vast majority of the country’s citizens are fed up with this method of getting in and out of elections,” he stressed.

Balance of Ghanaim (Photo: Danny Shem Tov, Knesset Spokeswoman)

He went on to refer to the Regulations in Judea and Samaria law, which fell on Monday night in the Knesset plenum, saying: “There is no doubt that we are in a trap. If we succeed in recruiting all 60 coalition members, will it ensure that this law passes? We do not have an absolute majority, so we are in a trap. ”

So if there is no absolute majority, one should disperse.
“But you can not form another government and I think most citizens do not want elections. If there was an option for another government, we would not go through four elections. There is no other option, there is an option today for one government, a private government between Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid. I am loyal To this partnership and I will do everything possible to maintain this move. ”

Asked about his feelings as an Arab MK, who supported a law commemorating the settlements, he replied: “The Likud has corrupted the meaning of everything in the Knesset plenum. He dictated a new method, either with us or against us, or for or against. “Knesset members do not think what is in this law and what is in the other law, they vote for or against, depending on the position of the coalition or the opposition.”

Gideon Saar explains the regulations law in Judea and Samaria. Photo: Knesset Channel

“I speak the truth, today in the Knesset, the conduct is very strange, there is no matter-of-fact discussion. Everyone goes to the other end. The Likud has several times overturned laws that seem to be in its mind. Asked if he was disappointed with Netanyahu, he replied: “I do not hide the fact that I had thoughts that this man, with this experience, with this age, with the achievements he has made, will lead a new process within the country and will not run every Monday and Thursday to make a peace agreement. Very important, but will address facial issues.

He stressed: “Netanyahu has taken some right steps in this direction, but unfortunately, it was probably only a very limited political interest and he returned to stand on the Knesset podium and get angry and incite and blame irresponsibly.”

against who?
“Against me, of course, and against the Arab Knesset members in general and against RAAM.”

The presenters wondered whether Abbas saw a scenario in which he would sit with Netanyahu – and the MK replied: “The issue is not the man. I have set such a position that I accept Israeli society as it is and I have no intentions of changing it. I know we will all change, if this process succeeds, in a positive way. Of course I said a value position, we do not disqualify anyone. ”

Benjamin Netanyahu at a meeting of the Likud faction (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi, Flash 90)Benjamin Netanyahu at a meeting of the Likud faction (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi, Flash 90)

The chairman of RAAM referred to reports that coalition members had been in contact with rival parties, and replied: “I will not do such a thing, if I do not like the coalition – I will go directly to its leaders and say. This method of going and negotiating in secret is wrong in my eyes. “.

How do you stand in front of your voters, in front of your public when you are so supportive of this experiment?
“I snatch not only criticism and threats, but I still believe in what I do. I think it’s a worthy move, it has hope, to try to bring into politics a different meaning and not just factions and conflicts, but the ability to manage disagreements and understand the other. I believe that way. “Kidnapper? Yes. I lost my personal security? Yes. I have been under security for several months.”

“For me, I can compromise on personal security, when the situation of Arab society, in terms of personal and social security improves. We have a 30% decrease in homicides,” he noted, “I accept the threats from Arab society, from the far right and beyond the border. That’s fine, I’m fine.

Yahya Sinwar (Photo: Atia Muhammad, Flash 90)Yahya Sinwar (Photo: Atia Muhammad, Flash 90)

Are you afraid to smile?
“Any real leader who leads such a difficult process, people sometimes do not understand what logic he has, what hope he leads. Think you are a traitor, a collaborator, a terrorist. “The same people with whom I negotiated to form another coalition, today stand on the Knesset podium and say that I support terrorism.”

The presenters made it difficult and flooded the question again, and Abbas replied: “The matter is not just a matter of Mansour. I have a mental mechanism to deal with it. I focus on the issues I promote and the process itself to succeed. The man is less important in this regard. “Every leader who leads such a process is threatened and fears for his life, but that is not the case now.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Amitai Duak, 103FM

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