DIRECT. The income tax scale will be indexed to inflation, promises Bruno Le Maire

by time news


The income tax scale will soon be indexed to inflation

“It is out of the question that French employees pay more income tax or enter the tax because of inflation, assures, on RMC and BFMTV the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. So we will index the income tax scale to inflation to avoid these threshold effects, we will increase the thresholds for the level of inflation,” he explained.


Véran reassures on purchasing power

“We are fully developing short circuits, organic products, assures France Inter Olivier Véran. Since you are retired, you will have an increase in your pension this summer on a scale that you have never known and it will be a food check every month”, assures the Minister of Relations with Parliament to a listener who criticizes that the food check has been postponed to September.


«Le at the same time is impotence

David Lisnard puts on his Republican cap campaigning for the legislative elections. He denounces Emmanuel Macron’s vision of the state, particularly around the security issue. ” The at the same time is a helplessness, we saw it at the Stade de France, ”he said. “We want to build an alternative immediately and over the long term”.


Lisnard says “no” to the burkini

If the Council of State authorized the municipalities to authorize the burkini in the municipal swimming pools, David Lisnard, the mayor of Cannes, related LR, and president of the AMF, would not authorize it. “It’s a regression, it’s anti-feminism and it’s against the Republic”, he decides on France Info.


A new aid for employees in the car

Bruno Le Maire wants to “think about replacing the discount device with a device that will better cover those who are forced to use their car to work or go to work”, he says on RMC. “All these people will no longer be prevented from going to work because of the price of fuel. It is a measure of justice”, he develops.


Lisnard on the deadly refusal to comply in Paris

“To say the police kill… The police have the monopoly of legitimate violence, that does not give them all the rights but the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon are extremely serious for our democracy, it opens up a kind of right to kill for thugs , he is in an excess for electoral purposes, ”denounces David Lisnard. On the merits of the case, “we are not going to investigate instead of justice… Some refusals to comply turn into an attempt to kill with the car armed by destination”, he recalls. However, we do not need an armed municipal police in each city, “it must be a possibility, we are going to move more and more towards that because violence is unfortunately increasing in our country and we must be able to respond”.


Still “a few weeks or even a few months” of inflation

“We are in the peak of inflation which will last a few more weeks or even a few months. I say this with great seriousness, ”indicates on RMC the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. He wishes to “protect” the French, and in particular the most fragile, “as long as inflation lasts”.


Mayors will have to increase the canteen

Yes the canteens will increase, recognizes David Lisnard, inflation also weighing on the shopping basket of school catering. “A part will be digested in the budgets of the communities, without pun intended, and a part will be transferred to the users. Principles of reality will apply, ”admits the president of the mayors of France. On the other hand, the canteen at 1 euro for the poorest is not threatened: “it is thanks to local policies that we manage to do social tailoring”, he adds.


Lisnard on the distribution of public budgets

“We say to the State: do not inflict new charges on us”, “the budgets of the communes are always in surplus in operation, the State is in deficit of operation, therefore to ask the communities to make savings, it is nonsense”, criticizes the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard (LR) and president of the AMF.


Véran finds Mélenchon “brutal”

“When Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not have a majority and he will not be Prime Minister, he will explain to us that the 4th round is in the street. It’s the same thing every five years,” criticizes Olivier Véran. And the Minister for Relations with Parliament to recall that he was a member of the Socialist Party like Mélenchon. “I have enough deep differences” with him, in particular on “secularism, Russia, the European Union”, lists the minister and candidate for the legislative elections in Isère. And to add: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon, I find him brutal (…). He did not refocus with Nupes ”.


Cohabitation would add to the crisis and the opposition will be able to be heard

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon is trying to divert the reality of this election, he is creating confusion. (…) I consider and I hope that we will have a majority to be able to conduct the policy for which the French voted “for Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election, continues Olivier Véran, Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament and Life democratic. “Let’s not add an institutional crisis” with cohabitation. “There will be no full power granted to the President of the Republic” even if Together wins, assures the minister. “The opposition will be able to be heard”.


Véran wants to fight against abstention

“My first message is to ask the French to vote, whatever their choice. The legislative campaign started late. We do the work on the ground, (but) the mindset was not in the countryside. The succession of presidential and legislative elections gives the impression to the French that the choice has been made”, judges the former Minister of Health Olivier Véran on France Inter.


Le Pen sur Mélenchon

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon has as much chance of winning a majority as I do of winning the lottery without playing”. Not only “he carries dangerous ideas” but it also results from the presidential “three blocks at the equivalent low water level”, therefore none able to be a majority.


Marine Le Pen denounces “an unfair voting system”

The voting system in the legislative elections is “an unfair voting system” which keeps voters away from the ballot box “since for decades their vote has not been respected”, denounces on RTL Marine Le Pen. Voters “do not understand why this voting system does not represent their ideas”. And to recall that Emmanuel Macron had said he wanted to add proportional representation in the elections.


Le Pen criticizes Lallement

Didier Lallement “the prefect of police of Paris uses extremely questionable methods, the police officers obey the orders which one gives them, one sometimes uses an excessive brutality with regard to the good people, but with regard to the hoodlums one lets slip …”, criticizes Marine Le Pen on Europe 1.


For Le Pen, voters must “sanction” Mélenchon

“The fact of accusing the police is shameful and takes Jean-Luc Mélenchon away from a republican attitude”, estimates on Europe 1 Marine Le Pen. “I consider that the police must benefit from a presumption of self-defence, I am perfectly within the legal framework in saying that”, “it is perfectly legitimate for politicians to express themselves, and even voters, it is up to them to sanction this type of posture and this type of statement”.


Has the RN been beaten by the Nupes?

” No way ! We remain the main opponents, Mr. Macron was elected by Mr. Mélenchon”, estimates on France Inter Louis Aliot (RN).


“A vehicle is 2.5 tons of scrap metal”

To say that “the police kill”, “it is very difficult to hear”, continues Abdoulaye Kanté, police officer in Hauts-de-Seine. “The police is an intervention every ten seconds. These words are spitting on those who protect citizens. If we want to find solutions, we will never go through radicalism ”. And to remember that “a vehicle is 2.5 tons of scrap metal that rushes at you so yes, a weapon (fire), it’s more than proportional” as an answer.


On the refusals to comply, a policeman speaks

“No policeman is satisfied with the death of someone”, explains on RTL Abdoulaye Kanté, policeman in the Hauts-de-Seine, who signs the book “Police, child of the Republic”, a plea for the defense of his job. The refusal to comply “has become a fashion phenomenon, in the police zone last year, there were more than 14,000 refusals, and more than 12,000 in the gendarmerie zone”. “We forget that the refusal to comply has consequences, last weekend a vehicle which refused to respond to the gendarmes hit a lady, who died”.


On Corbyn’s visit to Paris

Would Sandrine Rousseau have posed for a photo with Jeremy Corbyn like Danièle Simonnet and Danièle Obono? “In fact, I did not take this photo,” she kicks in touch.


Borne-Mélenchon distance duel for Calvados

One in Caen, the other in Vire. Nupes leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne are engaged today in a remote duel for Calvados.

The leader of the Insoumis, who called on the French to have him appointed head of government by giving a majority to the New Popular, Ecologist and Social Union (Nupes), is indeed going to Caen to hold his last big meeting there before the first round on Sunday.

The head of government goes to a public meeting in Vire at the end of the afternoon, after having made strong remarks towards the leader of the Insoumis who had estimated that “the police kill”, in reference to the death of a passenger in a car who was the victim of police fire during a check on Saturday in Paris.


What about the Nupes in the Assembly

“For now, everyone has their own group and we will have an intergroup,” says Sandrine Rousseau on France 2. “Yes we have differences on certain points and we have to keep this strength”.


Abbad should resign

Sandrine Rousseau continues to ask for “precautionary measures, a precautionary principle” against Damien Abbad, “for the symbol”. “I remember that Georges Tron had been removed from office,” she said. In May 2011, when he was accused of rape by two collaborators at the town hall of Draveil, the Secretary of State for the Public Service was forced to resign by François Fillon. He was sentenced to five years in prison on appeal.


Sandrine Rousseau supports the controversy over the police

“In fact, police killed a 21-year-old woman and it’s not the first time. The challenge is that she no longer kills ”, defends, on France 2, the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau. “The doctrine of maintaining order, today, is not working at all”, considers the candidate of Nupes in Paris who wants “to get the IGPN out of the police to have truly independent investigations”.


People in our ears this morning

The guests of the mornings will follow one another at a breakneck pace. You will be able to follow, live or in this live, the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau (France 2), the Republican Eric Ciotti (RMC), the RN Louis Aliot, who will be on France Inter 30 minutes before Olivier Véran, Minister of Relations with the Parliament. Marine Le Pen is on Europe 1, Bruno Le Maire on BFM TV, at the same time as AMF President David Lisnard and Medef boss Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

Given the latest controversy, we can pay attention to Abdoulaye Kanté, policeman in Hauts-de-Seine, who signs the book “Police, child of the Republic”, a plea for the defense of his profession. He is the guest of RTL.

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