History of Medicine and War History | Investerest.co

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The history of medicine coupled with the history of war

conflict and war Of course, there must be some violence. Casualties are therefore inevitable by default. The interesting thing is that Many times, innovations or medical breakthroughs It happened in a war situation. because there are many patients Medicine has to adapt and try to invent new things, both intentionally and unintentionally. in response to a state of mass casualties those discoveries became something that was actually applied. When conflicts and wars are over

for example US Civil War Discovered the use of anesthetics or general anesthesia in AD. 1846 Even though many media have portrayed a painful war But believe it or not The anesthesia, or anesthetic, has become the drug of use today, so this discovery is a big change in the next generation of surgeries.

world war one has urged more people to have blood transfusions for each other This adaptation also made it possible to save more lives in war. Another byproduct of the First World War. is to use volunteer drivers to try to help transport the sick from the battlefield. This type of transport was invented to shorten the treatment time more quickly. when treated early The survivor rate was even higher.

from another discovery from the First World War is to treat cancer by doing chemo Using toxic gases to destroy cells This development took some time. But it eventually succeeded as a molecule that could kill cancer. Although there are many side effects. But the better the current medicine, the more It can only adjust to more side effects.

for World War II Causing more widespread use of antibiotics Sulfa drug was discovered in the year. 1935 and Penicillin was developed in 1939 brought positive benefits to medicine around the world. Another important discovery from the events of World War II is Using steel plates to treat broken bones This technique was invented by a German medical unit.

Then the Korean War developed a medicine that could save and save lives. By using helicopters to enter the battlefield and evacuate patients in a facility equipped with medical equipment.

later in the Vietnam War has led to many important medicines such as the use of frozen blood Blood freezing can only store blood for 21-30 days. That means there is a severe shortage of blood. and then be able to store the blood for a longer period of time It helps to preserve many lives.

Burn wound care was also developed during the Vietnam War. Using antiseptics and antibiotics to prevent dangerous infections. Another major incident that occurred during the Vietnam War was the loss of a large amount of body fluids. development of blood management And caring for dehydrated patients was also a byproduct of the Vietnam War.

One of the most important discoveries both for ordinary people and soldiers is what happened after the war is called the symptom Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or post-traumatic stress disorder The name and definition of the disease were made by psychiatrists who cared for soldiers returning from war. not just looking at being able to adapt back from the war or post-war fatigue But it states that it is a disease that requires treatment.

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A Nation Must Think Before It Acts, Advances in medicines during war, Retrieved from https://www.fpri.org/article/2018/02/advances-in-medicine-during-wars/
Brittanica, World War II and After, Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/science/history-of-medicine/World-War-II-and-after
The New York Times Magazines, A History of War in 6 Drugs, Retrived from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/03/magazine/history-war-six-drugs.html

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