BMJ Global Health: ‘The Unintended Consequences of Covid-19 Vaccination Policy: Why Obligation, Passports and Restrictions Do More Harm than Good.’

by time news

In an article published on BMJ Global Health, an analysis of vaccination policies that have changed dramatically during Covid-19, with the rapid implementation of public measures such as forced vaccination, domestic vaccination passports and arbitrary rules based on the vaccination status of individuals:

Although many ethical, scientific, practical, legal and political debates have taken place about the corona measures, the unintended consequences of the measures have been little discussed. In this article, we present a series of statements describing why these measures may be counterproductive and even harmful. We limit ourselves to four domains: (1) behavioral psychology, (2) politics and legislation, (3) social economy and (4) scientific integrity and the integrity of public health care.

While current vaccines appear to have significantly reduced disease and death from Covid-19, we believe current vaccination measures are scientifically questionable and are likely to do more harm than good to society.

Denying people access to work, education, public transport and social life based on their Covid-19 vaccination status violates their human rights, promotes stigma and social polarization and negatively impacts health and well-being. Current regulations can lead to wider economic and health disparities, have a long-term negative impact on trust in government and scientific institutions and may in the future reduce the acceptance of health measures, including the Covid-19 vaccinations and the regular vaccinations. Mandating vaccinations is a major public health intervention and should be used with restraint and caution, in order to maintain ethical standards and trust in institutions. We advocate that the current Covid-19 vaccination measures be re-evaluated, in view of the negative consequences we present here.

Deploying empowering strategies based on trust and citizen participation and improving health and infrastructure services provide a more sustainable approach to optimal Covid-19 vaccination policy and – more importantly – the health and well-being of the entire population .’

Bron: The unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccine policy: why mandates, passports and restrictions may cause more harm than good (

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