Merkel defends the record of her Russian policy

by time news

“Angela Merkel is back.” If she no longer occupies the front of the international scene, the former German leader appeared on another stage on June 7, reports the daily News : that of the Berlin theater Berliner Ensemble, where she gave her first political interview since her departure from the chancellery, six months earlier.

The interview, moderated for ninety minutes by the journalist from Spiegel Alexander Osang, had been “officially” organized to present the book of the conservative sexagenarian, What is my country? [Was also ist mein Land ? en allemand], which contains several speeches made by the former head of government.

But, underlines the Spiegel, the book was not mentioned much by the star of the evening.

“From the former chancellor’s point of view, the event organized in the sumptuous neo-baroque theater hall, whose opulent atmosphere with red armchairs and golden columns clashes decidedly with the sober Merkel, served another purpose: she was there to explain themselves, even defend themselves.”

no remorse

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Angela Merkel has been criticized for her policy towards Vladimir Putin during her sixteen years in power. Considered too conciliatory

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