Hundreds of German schoolchildren rescued in the Austrian Alps

by time news

A hundred German college students and their teachers had to be rescued on a trail in the Austrian Alps where they were in difficulty, local police said on Wednesday.

Students aged 12 to 14

Two helicopters and dozens of rescuers had to hoist on Tuesday most of the 99 children aged 12 to 14 and eight teachers who went hiking in the land of Vorarlberg, in western Austria.

“The trail no longer appears in tourist guides” and is “relatively difficult”, explained the spokesperson for the state police, Wolfgang Duer, underlining the “specialness of the operation” in view of the large number of people. who had to be rescued.

An emergency call

The teachers made an emergency call when the trail got harder and the rain started to fall. Two middle schoolers slipped and slightly injured themselves, and others panicked.

“The teachers took a path that was no longer signposted after consulting the Internet,” police said in a statement, adding that the trail “was described online as a typical path for end-of-day walks.”

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