Puppy astonishment: who operated a skimmer over the Rebbe

by time news
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Astonishment in Gur Hasidism after unknown individuals operated a glider over the Rebbe’s head this evening (Wednesday), during canopies and kiddushin at Gutnick Halls in Jerusalem.

According to one of the Hasidim, the Rebbe who left his house to attend the Alter canopy ceremony, one of the grandchildren of the ‘Tell the Truth’, with the Wexelman family from Ashdod – arrived at the canopy when the participants suddenly noticed a glider in the air documenting the canopy and the Rebbe.

He also says that after the canopy, the Rebbe moved to the nearby second hall, where the wedding celebration of the Freya and Menela families – families belonging to Gur Hasidim – takes place this evening. To the courtyard of the hall.

Some of the followers who followed the glider noticed that he returned to one of the open areas in front of the hall, on the other side of the neighborhood, when it was not clear who was behind the act, which the followers claim was intended to harass and harm Barbie personally.

It should be noted that a few weeks ago, during the Rebbe’s arrival at the Kiryat Shaul cemetery in Tel Aviv for prayer at his mother – in – law’s grave, a skimmer also appeared documenting the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin getting out of the vehicle, which angered the community’s rabbis and followers. Vigorous on the act – a protest that got out of hand and included beatings, property damage, and even burglary of the building of the Beit Midrash of Gershom Alter.

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