MEPs sign the “death” of cars with combustion engines in 2035

by time news

This is “a major victory for the climate”, estimate the Guardian. After months of debate and intense lobbying, MEPs voted on Wednesday to end sales of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars in 2035. De facto, only electric cars can be sold, excluding the second-hand market. By adopting this measure by 339 votes in favor (249 votes against, 24 abstentions), European parliamentarians have therefore just “sign the death warrant for combustion engines”summarizes the Vanguard.

The text adopted takes up the intermediate objectives proposed by Brussels: a 15% reduction in automobile emissions by 2025 and a 55% reduction in 2030. However, this vote was not certain: the objective of the “zero emissions” automobile gave rise to a bitter battle, with an amendment from the EPP (pro-European right and leading force in Parliament) proposing to aim instead for a 90% reduction in automobile emissions by 2035, which would have made it possible to continue the sale of hybrid cars . But “European Christian Democrat amendments that would have weakened the ban” finally have “been rejected”note the Southgerman newspaper. For their part, the Greens, who wanted to bring forward the ban on heat engines to 2030, were not convinced either.

“One of the strictest laws in the world”

This tight vote determines the position of MEPs before their negotiations with member states to finalize a compromise. “It is expected that the Council of the EU will not question the end of combustion engines. In this regard, this measure will most likely come into force”estimates the Southgerman newspaper. The measure validated on Wednesday by MEPs in Strasbourg could then become “one of the toughest laws in the world to phase out gas-powered vehicles”notes the American chain CNN.

“There remains of course the question of the attractiveness of the electric car”tempers on his side The Free Belgium. “The purchase price remains a major obstacle for many households in these difficult times for the portfolio, especially since the price of raw materials for batteries has soared since the Ukraine crisis. What about in the future? Is it wise to bet everything, in fact, on the electric vehicle even if other solutions, such as hydrogen which remains marginal for private and utility vehicles, may see the light of day by then? ”asks the Belgian daily.

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