The second lottery of a discounted apartment is underway: in which cities can you win?

by time news

Another lottery for a discounted apartment plan will open for registration on July 3, and as part of it, about 5,000 housing units will be raffled off, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Israel Land Authority announced today (Thursday). As it turns out, the new lottery will allocate housing units in Eilat, Ashdod, Beit Shemesh, Haifa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Safed, Ramat Gan, Rosh HaAyin, Sderot, and in two Arab localities: Deir Hanna and Araba.

● The discounts are not visible, the area of ​​the apartment is unknown, and the final price is in the fog: the small print behind the lotteries
● The model brought by the Nobel Prize: Recognize the psychological effect behind the discounted apartment lottery

This is the second lottery held this year. The first lottery of the program, which took place in April, enrolled about 120,000 households – the highest number of enrollees ever, for 10,053 housing units in 150 projects spread over 31 localities across the country. The Ministry of Construction and Housing notes that from the end of registration for the first lottery to date, about 11,000 new eligible people who want to register for the new lotteries have joined.

In accordance with the procedures set by the Ministry of Construction and Housing, registration for the lottery is conditional on the issuance of an eligibility certificate that will be open to the public until Thursday, July 7. The certificate can be issued online through the program website. You can also register using online forms on membership sites or through service centers; Oaks * 2850, Milgam * 6078, Amidar * 6266. The cost of issuing a certificate of eligibility for programs is NIS 240 and the issuance process takes up to 10 days, and is valid for one year. It should also be noted that no additional certificate is required and if the certificate is valid.

“By the end of the year, we will grill an additional 15,000 housing units”

This week, the Israel Lands Council approved a number of decisions that will increase the discount on the discounted apartment plan. As part of this, it was determined that the discount ceiling in the tenders will increase from NIS 300,000 to date, to NIS 500,000 from now on. It was also determined that the percentage of apartments that will be allocated to those entitled to housing without housing will increase to 80% instead of the 60% that was customary until now. In addition, it was determined that the determining date for the value of a square meter per apartment will remain as it was on 30.12.2020. Since the end of 2020, apartment prices have risen by almost 20%, so that this decision also has a significant impact on future winners.

The Israel Lands Council also decided in this context that in Priority Area B, the rate of housing units to be allocated to locals will increase to 40% of all dwellings; The council also approved the change of definition of a local and a local in the northern and southern regions only, so that those will be defined as those who have lived there for at least 18 months before the date of publication of the tender (compared to three years in other regions).

Minister of Construction and Housing, Zeev Elkin: “We continue to do everything to allow young couples to purchase an apartment at a significant discount, in the next lottery there will be over 5,000 housing units that will join the 10,053 housing units that have already been raffled off to eligible 15,000 housing units by the end of the year. , So that by the end of the year about 30,000 apartments will be raffled off to those eligible. We are working around the clock to increase this number and are working in parallel with the authorities and the government in order to address the young couples. “

The Director General of the Israel Land Authority, Yanki Quint: “This is another significant step in the Authority’s efforts to increase the supply of land for housing, and especially for affordable housing for families and young people in Israel. The second lottery will open at the beginning of July and will give thousands of other families a home at a considerable discount of hundreds of thousands of shekels, in a variety of cities and towns in Israel. “

The director general of the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Aviad Friedman: In the first lottery, more than 10,000 households have already won, thanks to the purchase of an apartment at a significant discount, and soon another 5,000 households will join them. I ask everyone who meets the eligibility rules – do not wait for the last minute, get ahead and issue the eligibility certificates so that you can register in time for the lottery.

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