Emmanuel Macron taken to task on Damien Abad and Gérald Darmanin by an 18-year-old high school student

by time news

Emmanuel Macron was arrested this Thursday, on the sidelines of a trip to the Tarn to talk about security in the rural world, according to our colleagues from BFMTV. The reason ? The presence of Damien Abad and Gérald Darmanin in his government, both accused by women of sexual violence.

18 year old high school girl

The facts took place at the exit of the Gaillac gendarmerie where Emmanuel Macron went to discuss the deployment of 200 new gendarmerie brigades. As he decides to greet the people who were waiting for him on the spot, Laura, educated in high school next to the gendarmerie, arrested the head of state.

“You put at the head of the state men who are accused of rape and violence against women, why? »

The young woman later explained to BFMTV that she herself was also a victim of sexist and sexual violence but that she never dared to file a complaint because, according to her, “it never succeeds but also because there are there are men like that at the head of the state”.

The President of the Republic replied that he had just spoken about these questions with the gendarmes, declaring that he was “for the release of speech”. He also added: “At the same time, to function in society, you must have the presumption of innocence”.

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