Sleeping position can cause diseases like ALS in your brain, study finds

by time news

THE position you sleep in can cause or help suppress diseases such as ALS, a new study has revealed.

The study found that sleeping on your back, side, or front can affect your brain health.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is the most common form of motor neuron disease.

People with ALS gradually lose the ability to control muscle movements, including the ability to speak, swallow, and breathe. There is currently no known cure.

Neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis, share many similarities, even though their clinical symptoms and disease progression look very different.

The incidence of ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, increases with age and results in a gradual loss of brain tissue.

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The key is that researchers say there is also an increase in waste proteins that build up in the brain in these diseases.

A recent study published by UK-based science publisher BioMed Central studied a group of mice and identified a new target in the fight against ALS.

The study looked at how the glymphatic system, which clears waste products from the brain, might prevent ALS.

Protein chains, folds and misfolds

In our bodies, long protein chains fold into functional shapes that allow them to perform specific tasks, including making antibodies to fight infection, supporting cells and transporting molecules.

Sometimes that process goes awry, resulting in “misfolded” proteins clumping together. These can fragment and create seeds that spread throughout the brain and form new clusters.

The researchers examined mice that had been genetically modified to determine whether eliminating or slowing the spread of these waste proteins and their seeds could halt or slow the progression of the disease.

Study Findings

The results indicated that the mice exposed to the protein involved in ALS showed classic symptoms of the disease, including brain atrophy.

In addition, they had poorer glymphatic waste removal.

The study provides the first evidence that the glymphatic system could be a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of ALS.

Importance of how we sleep

The glymphatic system removes waste products, including toxic proteins, from the brain, but generally does not respond when we are awake. Instead, it kicks into gear when we sleep.

However, as we age, sleep quality declines and the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS, increases.

Sleeping position is also thought to influence glymphatic clearance.

Research in rodents has shown that glymphatic clearance is most efficient in the lateral (or side-sleeping) position, compared to supine (supplying) or prone (prone lying) positions.

The reasons are not yet fully understood, but findings suggest it may be related to the effects of gravity, compression and stretching of tissue.

Aside from sleeping position, lifestyle can also aid in glymphatic functioning.

Omega-3, found in marine fish, has long been considered beneficial for health and reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. New research shows that these benefits may be due in part to Omega-3’s positive effect on glymphatic function.

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Moderate consumption of alcohol has been shown to improve waste clearance. In mouse studies, both short-term and long-term exposure to small amounts of alcohol were shown to enhance glymphatic function, while high doses had the opposite effect.

Exercise has also been shown to be beneficial.

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