Rabbis in protest of the attack on my brother Gershom Alter

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A special letter is published tonight (Thursday) and is signed by a long line of rabbis, in protest of the “honor of the Torah” by Rabbi Daniel Alter, the son of the “Penny Menachem” Rebbe of Gur Zia, after being attacked on the night of Shavuot .

The attack occurred at 11 a.m. on Shavuot night. The GRD Alter went down from his house on Minchat Yitzhak Street in Jerusalem, as he does every year, on his way to the Ari synagogue in the group to recite Shavuot night, accompanied by his son and one of his students. The same country, only with the help of one of the neighbors and a number of passers-by, the rabbi escaped safely and continued on his way to study.

The letter published tonight opens with a summary of the event: The Chassidic genius Mo’a Daniel Chaim Alter Shlita, son of the Rebbe of the “Peni Menachem” Zatzokallah, Rosh Yeshiva of the “Peni Menachem” for Amali Torah in the Jerusalem District, and Rabbi Devihamad “Ari of the group”.

The rabbis continue: “Woe to the generation that rose like this in its day, and woe to us for bursting forth and going out and screaming in our streets, Their hand to despise and in spite of disgust in the sanctuaries of Israel, the faces of priests did not bear and elders did not pardon, in the severe and terrible contempt of the Torah and its students, so-called Lit Din and Lit Dayan and the Strip was allowed, Rachel.

Towards the end of their letter, the rabbis explain why they decided to protest: “And here it is explained (BM Pad 🙂 “Vigorous for humiliating a wise student and for raising a hand and whitening the face of his friend in public, and for those who have done so to return immediately with a complete answer and ask forgiveness for atonement for their grave sin.”

The rabbis conclude their letter: “We pray to the Creator of the world that they will learn to wander in it and return in complete repentance, and may God grant peace to our borders, and soon the land will be filled with opinion like water to the sea covering.

The letter is signed by: (Names of the rabbis in alphabetical order) Rabbi Shalom in the Av Beit Din, Dayan and the Heichal Kanin Torah. Elementary Torah. Rabbi Nehemiah Zeida, rabbi and influencer in the Beit Midrash Viznitz Minchat Yitzchak. Rabbi Shmuel Hillel HaCohen Notis, Rosh Kollel Beit Mordechai. Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Farhand, Rosh Kollel Ohel Moshe – Divrei Moshe. Avi Ezri Petach Tikva and head of the Central Teaching House in Jerusalem. Rabbi Dov Barish Rosenberg, Dayan and Motz at the Ahavat Torah teaching center by KK Sanz. Rabbi Menashe Israel Reisman, Magid Misharim and Magash at Beit Yehoshua. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Rapaport, Dayan and Motz in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

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