Between Greece and Iran, a diplomatic crisis for three tankers

by time news

And “thriller sans fin”. Thus Ta Nea refers to the seizure, at the end of May, of two oil tankers flying the Greek flag by the Revolutionary Guards in the Persian Gulf. “Iran has arrested two Greek oil tankers in retaliation for the seizure of a Russian vessel carrying Iranian oil last April, in Karystos”, a port in the south of the Greek island of Euboea, explains the Greek evening daily.

qualified as“Acts of piracy” by the Greek Foreign Minister, the blocking of the two Greek ships and their crew members caused a diplomatic crisis between Athens and Tehran.

A Russian freighter and 105,000 tons of oil

“In the diplomatic game that is currently being played out in the spotlight, Greece is trying on the one hand to free the crews of the two ships, and on the other hand to clarify the intentions of the Iranians, while the Gulf region is one of the busiest sea areas

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