“No stress, NUPES, NUPES”, the new anthem a little too left

by time news

“We are the revolution!”

Water pistols in hand, scarves in the face, LGBT flags waved, the “Organized Left” candidly imitates the usual rap clips to summarize and illustrate the program of the NUPES in 1 minute 50: change of Constitution, ISF, blocking of prices, wages for young people, pensions at 60, the flagship measures of Jean-Luc Mélenchon are evoked in song.

Read also: A Macronist-Lepenist Republican Front marching against the left [1/5]

The youngsters also took the opportunity to send a few straight lines… to the right, but not always skilful. “Marine, we’re coming, you’re not ready! Can Marine change things if I marry a guy?”, they proclaim from the first seconds of the music, before tackling other subjects. All in elegance, they sing “CNN objective, interview on les ken!”, certainly to signify their media objective. Then, it’s Elon Musk’s turn to take it for his rank: “Elon Musk, I’m going to look for him in space. We bring him back, we make him pay his taxes!” And to continue, not without a certain ambition: “Our advice, better than McKinsey!” Who then, Elon Musk or the “Organized Left”, is really aiming for the Moon?

“On the left, we are no longer like before!”

If the format is quite innovative, one thing does not change: the left still does not make a mystery of its dreams, nor of its idealism. But Sandrine Rousseau seems to be the only one convinced. On Twitter, she marvels : “What creativity on the side of the NUPES of Rennes!” The leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, meanwhile, whom the lyrics of the song praise however (“JLM JTM”), has not yet taken care to react. Like a crowd of Internet users, maybe he finds this song too “cringe”or “annoying”

It must be said that rap is historically focused on the left, and that the “Organized Left” is trying to find a place for itself in a landscape seen, reviewed… and disappeared? France Inter recognizes this in an article of April 18, 2022, “French rap is no longer mobilizing against the presence of the far right”. Twenty years earlier, when Jean-Marie Le Pen qualified for the second round of the presidential election, a front of rappers had mobilized to set him on fire. Among them, IAM had participated in the writing of the famous song-river “11’30 against racist laws”. Today, JoeyStarr (singer of NTM) curries Jean-Luc Mélenchon who “think only of his face”, as reported by BFM TV. For his part, Akhenaton (singer of IAM) denounces “a culture of destruction” while deploring the contradictory injunctions of the government in place. Booba, finally, does not hesitate to congratulate here and there Eric Zemmour.

Read also: Marine Le Pen qualifies Mélenchon as “madman” and accuses him of having re-elected Emmanuel Macron

Finally, this piece is reminiscent of the lipdub of the UMP in 2010 – which had been widely criticized, but will the triptych of water pistols, scarves and rainbow flags convince? “all those who want to change the world” ? Unlikely, according to the many left-wing Internet users who are discouraged in the comments…

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