Mascherine, Gismondo: “Confusion as it was for every anti Covid measure”

by time news

On the fate of the obligation to wear masks indoors, which apparently “will fall everywhere” after June 15, “while for means of transport it is still necessary to understand if it will lapse and where, there is confusion, practically in line with what has been there trend of the various anti-Covid measures “in our country. So at Salute Maria Rita Gismondo, director of the Laboratory of clinical microbiology, virology and diagnostics of bioemergencies at the Sacco hospital in Milan. “The government reflects, but in the meantime, time passes”, observes the expert, now hoping for a measure that eliminates the imposition of personal protective equipment during the final exams.

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“The decision must be made now – exhorts Gismondo – as the Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa says”, who at ‘Un Giorno da pecora’ on Rai Radio1 explained that he believes that “there is still space” for maturity tests without a mask : “A decree made at the beginning of next week is enough”, he said, noting “a problem of political convergence. We are facing different positions”, but “I hope that we can reach a synthesis”, is the hope expressed by the exponent of Noi con Italia.

Gismondo agrees: “I would like the exams not to be done with a mask – he says – also because the boys would wear it only in those hours and would continue not to do it in all other places, even crowded, such as bars and clubs”. Making her keep at maturity “I would find it only a pain – specifies the microbiologist – without any positive impact”.

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