Marine Le Pen denounces the “inaction” of Gérald Darmanin and Eric Dupond-Moretti after the deletion of CCTV images

by time news

The controversy is still not over. Friday June 10, Gérald Darmanin and Eric Dupond-Moretti, respectively Minister of the Interior and Keeper of the Seals, were at the heart of criticism from the opposition, which accuses them of not having ensured that all CCTV images of incidents that occurred near the Stade de France (Saint-Denis) during the final of the Football Champions League on May 28 would be kept.

The latter are systematically destroyed after seven days, unless requisitioned by justice, as provided by law. Those of the Prefecture of Police have been well preserved. On the other hand, those of the cameras managed by the Stade de France were not, for lack of a requisition of justice, revealed Erwan Le Prévost, director of institutional relations of the French Football Federation (FFF) during a Senate hearing on Thursday.

“State scandal” and “intentional act”, according to the opposition

“It’s called covering your tracks”denounced Marine Le Pen, candidate (Naiotnal Rally, RN) in the legislative elections in Pas-de-Calais, two days before the first round. “I dare not imagine that our leaders are incompetent to the point of not having immediately, given the echo that this Stade de France affair has had, (…) requested that they be sent the [images de] video surveillance. So it’s voluntary et “it is a destruction of evidence by inaction”she accused on BFM-TV and RMC.

The former presidential candidate attacked MM. Darmanin and Dupond-Moretti: “The fact that there is no[’images de] CCTV helps cover up their huge lies”she judged, referring in particular to “the fable of the forty thousand people who had counterfeit notes”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Incidents at the Stade de France: CCTV images “destroyed”, senators in the dark

“We are heading straight for a state scandal”with a “intentional act” pour “to make evidence disappear, which is undoubtedly evidence for the prosecution”declared on RFI the president of the Republicans in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, for whom the two ministers “do not assume their responsibilities, that is to say the mess, the disorder, the delinquency”.

The presidential majority believes that there are “enough elements” for an investigation

David Assouline (Socialist Party), vice-president of the culture, education and communication committee of the Senate, judged on Franceinfo ” very serious “ that some images were destroyed after seven days. But, for the deputy president of the group La République en Marche (LRM) in the Assembly, Aurore Bergé, “we have enough elements that allow us to have an investigation”including pictures “toured multiple times, and by journalists, and by supporters”.

“The images, you have them, they exist, and we have a lot of testimonies and images which should nevertheless make it possible to enlighten” investigators, she said on RMC. Asked whether she nevertheless regretted the disappearance of some of them, Bergé argued it was up to the police and the judiciary “that the question will have to be asked”.

The World with AFP

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