Why did News 12 bring Aviv Geffen to eulogize Uri Zohar?

by time news

News 12 – “Ulpan Shishi”, about Uri Zohar

In fact, Aviv Geffen, no less, was chosen to bring “Ulpan Shishi” to mourn Uri Zohar. Probably because when there was a baby walking around with a stuffy diaper he took a special perspective on the man who repented

You must see the Aviv Gefen In “Studio Friday” he praises Uri Zohar, A friend told me. So it is, that in principle I do not feel obligated. I have already written here several times my warm recommendation to avoid watching the various new editions of Fridays, and in general to avoid watching new editions. There is no news there. A “panel” was gathered for him, each of whose members interprets the “situation” according to his political position – some greet, some swear, sometimes take turns, those who now greet swear, and others greet, shout to heaven,

Why, I have always wondered, would a healthy, sane person waste his time on Friday night, Saturday night, a special day for all opinions, about watching, say, Boaz Bismuth? Why not talk to his family, read a book, listen to music, and instead listen to the incomprehensible text, which repeats itself week after week, known in advance where his face is headed, spilled from the mouth of Boaz Bismuth?

Why are all these bismuths invited to the studio? Who are they good at? How do they contribute to our lives? To get to Aviv Geffen I had to pass the Bismuth Army, and it was no less horrible. Even at Fast Forward this was a horror. Then I got to Aviv Geffen, and that was another horror, maybe even bigger than the panel. What, I asked myself, do at all in the Aviv Geffen studio?

Is this the personality that News 12 thinks deserves to mourn Uri Zohar? Why, because his father smoked cannabis with Uri Zohar? Because Aviv was about six months old with a full diaper when Uri Zohar participated in “Lol”, which gives the baby who was then a special perspective? Because Aviv Geffen is a spiritual figure, an intellectual giant who will explain to us the depth of the loss and we will come out of the broadcast more thoughtful and wise? So that Aviv Geffen with the diaper would tell us later, “He repented”? Was the “Ulpan Shishi” system ready to be humiliated in this conversation for the sake of the song?
See or give up: water under the bridge. It has already been broadcast anyway.

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