How to calculate the state of health of your body after quitting smoking

by time news




One of the biggest goals that people set for themselves throughout the year is give up smoking. It is also the most complicated, which is why there are many who fall by the wayside. Quite possibly they quit because they do not know the benefits of quitting a habit that kills 54,000 people a year in Spain, according to the latest study published by the Spanish Journal of Cardiology (REC).

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers any person who smokes daily, even a single cigarette, to be a smoker. Although it is true that in Spain the habitual smoker consumes on average half a pack or even a whole pack a day.

[Todas las noticias sobre tabaco]

If you are one of them and you are thinking of quitting, you should know that your body will appreciate it, and you will notice it, shortly after you put out the last cigarette.

Two weeks

They are the most difficult days. Until you find a substitute you will climb the walls and you will not think of anything else than to put a ‘piti’ in your mouth again. If two weeks pass without tobacco in your body, the arterial circulation It improves considerably, because it contains substances that osbtrue it. It also lowers the heart rate, blood pressure and carbon monoxide levels in the blood normalize.

Month and a half without smoking

Those uncomfortable sores, wounds or burns that form in the mouth as a result of cigarettes go down in history. That anxiety about going back to smoking the first few days also disappears. It is likely that food has been your refuge to combat it. If so, it is recommended that you start practicing some kind of sport or, as experts suggest, do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise up to date.

9 months without smoking

You will begin to notice that you breathe better and those kilometers that you run a day will no longer be as difficult as at the beginning. The typical morning cough as soon as you get up should have already disappeared. Although it depends on each person, some ex-smokers say that their mood improves, as the desire to smoke is replaced by other activities that make them feel that they have seized the day.

A year without smoking

If you have come this far it is very rare to go back. Some say that someone who hasn’t smoked for a year won’t buy a pack again. And if he knows that the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by half, even more so. This type of pathology makes it difficult for oxygen and blood to reach the heart. The most common case is angina pectoris.

Four years without smoking

You are already someone completely new. You will appreciate the taste of food like never before. You will flee from the spaces with smoke that you loved so much at the time and with your sense of smell already recovered you will recognize a smoker at a distance. In addition, the Death risk for a cause derived from smoking decreases by 50%.

Five years without smoking

One of the consequences most suffered by smokers is cerebral infarction, better known as stroke. After five years, suffering from this disease will be more complicated than when you were a regular at tobacconists. In fact, the odds are the same as for a non-smoker.

Ten years without smoking

But if there is something that goes hand in hand with tobacco, it is lung cancer. Because smokers are between 15 and 30% more likely to develop this disease. This is the tumor that causes the most deaths in Spain, assuming the 20% of the total deceased, according to the latest study published by the Spanish Lung Cancer Group (GECP). It is then after ten years without smoking when the risk of developing lung cancer is significantly reduced.

Fifteen years without smoking

Your body has already eliminated virtually every trace of the thousands of harmful substances of tobacco. You have even already forgotten those times when you smoked after eating. In addition, your cardiovascular health is comparable to that of a person who has never smoked. From here it could already be said that you are a completely smoke-free person.

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