Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo on TV: the programs before Mai Dire Gol, who was married to Marina Massironi, 10 secrets

by time news

Friday 10 June Italia 1 will broadcast in prime time the 2008 film by Marcello Cesena The cosmos on the comseventh chapter of the filmography of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo. The adventure in the cinema of Aldo Baglio, Giovanni Storti and Giacomo Poretti began in 1997 with the legendary Three men and one leg, directed by the comic trio and Massimo Venier. Produced with modest budget and means, it achieved extraordinary success, and many cult phrases from the film are still quoted today in common speech (by the carpenter who with 30 thousand lire does better at the deception of cadrega). Perhaps not everyone knows that the three protagonists did not ask for any remuneration for acting: they only asked for a percentage of the proceeds (a good choice, with hindsight). But this is not the only curiosity about Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo.

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