When Russian President Putin compares himself to Tsar Peter the Great he predicts another 21 years of war in Europe

by time news

When Russian President Vladimir Putin compares the Russian invasion of Ukraine and himself to the conquests of Russian King Peter the Great from 320 years ago (1725-1682) in the 18th century, he says that the wars he waged, mainly against the Swedes, returned to Russia the lands on which Russians lived, and became Russia to a European power, It is not difficult to understand that we have many more years of war ahead of us in Europe.
Russian President Putin during a visit on Thursday 9.6, at an exhibition in memory of Tsar Peter the Great said, Because ‘Peter the Great’ started the Great Northern War that lasted 21 years, it looks like it’s a war against Sweden. He did not take any of them. “He brought back what was before Russia,” Putin said. Peter the Great waged the great northern war for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned what was Russia’s
Putin went on to say: ‘As it turned out there was a lot to bring back what belonged to Russia’. ‘And if we continue to do so because these core values ​​are the foundation of our existence we will surely succeed in the tasks ahead of us,’ Apparently, it is also our lot to return what is Russia’s and strengthen the country. And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face.
In other words, the war in Ukraine could continue for another 21 years and it will extend far beyond Ukraine’s borders.
Carl Bildt Carl Bildt The former Swedish prime minister described Putin’s remarks as “a recipe for many more years of war” recipe for years of wars.
Until now, Putin has refused to define the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a war, denying that the purpose of the Russian army is to take over ground territory. Now Putin is talking about a long war, and the return to Russia of Russian-speaking populations and territories that were once under her control.
Russian-speaking populations exist today in Belarus, the Caucasus region, Central Asia, some parts of the Baltic states like Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Moldova.
Eastern European sources claim, Because in the fall of this year, Vladimir Putin is preparing to unite the parts that the Russian army has occupied in Ukraine and declare them as one bloc that will be officially annexed to Russia. To this day the Kremlin has said that these parts of Ukraine can decide for themselves on their national affiliation.
Russian President Putin often uses his speeches in Russian personalities and historical events to justify his actions. Putin often blames the father of the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, for taking the Russian-speaking population living in Ukraine, and for creating the Ukrainian state.
Putin’s critics in Russia say that Russian President Vladimir Putin is once again wrong in the historical interpretation he gives to events.
Tsar Peter the Great opened many windows to Europe. Putin closes them!

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