Russia threatens the West with a “direct military confrontation” if it continues to suffer cyberattacks

by time news

Rodrigo Alonso




Russia has warned Western countries aligned with Ukraine about the risk of starting a «direct military confrontation» in case the country continues to suffer from cyberattacks. The warning comes after months in which hundreds of companies and institutions in the country governed by Putin have been affected by acts of ‘hacktivism‘ all types; from data theft to denial of service attacks that have left state media, banks or administration pages inoperative. In some cases, in addition, leaving messages against the war and in favor of Ukraine.

In a statement collected by Reuters, the Russian Foreign Ministry points out that the country’s critical infrastructure and the websites of government institutions are being attacked by countries such as Ukraine, which formed its own cyber-hacker guerrilla at the beginning of the invasion and has support from Anonymousy USA.

“The militarization of the information space by the West and attempts to turn it into an arena of interstate confrontation have greatly increased the threat of direct military confrontation with unpredictable consequences,” the Russian administration has made clear. From Moscow, in addition, it is emphasized that “Russia will not leave aggressive actions unanswered”: “All our steps will be measured, directed, in accordance with our legislation and international law.”

Last week, Paul Nakasone, general in charge of the US Army Cyber ​​​​Command, acknowledged that in recent months the US had carried out several operations against Russia through the Internet. «Offensive, defensive and ( collection) of information”, as the officer acknowledged in an interview with ‘Sky News’.

critical infrastructures

Since the beginning of the invasion, cybersecurity companies and institutions from all Western countries have warned of the potential risk that Russia will try to launch large-scale cyberattacks against critical infrastructure of countries that support the government of Zelenski. Especially considering that, to date, Moscow is taking the most hits on the Internet battlefield. This is demonstrated by the fact that, according to studies carried out recently by various cybersecurity firms, the state is currently listed as the most attacked among all those in the world.

The lack of major attacks that have caused problems in Western networks during the months of war draws the attention of cybersecurity experts. Some analysts say this could be because the West has done a great job of protecting itself, while others say Russia might be afraid of retaliation if it starts launching large-scale cyberattacks against EU countries. OTAN.

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