Learn from Moshe: Raising human capital that wants to be part of and challenge the system

by time news

The author is a businessman, a managing partner in the Alef venture capital fund

In the age of the brain economy, companies from all over the world are concentrating on raising human capital. This issue preoccupied the world 3,000 years ago – Moses understood the potential inherent in human capital and especially the need to diversify it. During the journey of the children of Israel from Mount Sinai to the Land of Israel, Moses turns to Hovav son of Reuel the Midianite (whom most commentators identified as his crowned priest of Midian) and offers him to join the people of Israel upon entering the land.

ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ ְ Therefore you know that we camped in the wilderness, and you were with us before our eyes.

Two different outlines

During the conversation, Moshe twice offers Madani to join the people of Israel. For the first time he responded with a refusal: “I will not go, but I will go to my country and to my homeland.” The second time it is not clear in the verses how the offer was answered. Commentators such as the Ramban explained that in light of the mention of the settlement of Midianite families in the Land of Israel in the books of the prophets, it can be assumed that the Midianites were convinced and joined the people of Israel. What made them change their minds?

Two different outlines can be identified in the verses in the median solicitation. In the first stage, Moses promised to give the Midianites the best that was promised to Israel: The subtext is: we are the patrons, the leaders and the givers, while you and your tribe accompany. The mediator understood the hidden price of the offer and therefore refused.

I would like to do so. In the second outline, Moshe emphasizes the challenge of crossing the desert and offers partnership and even a role in leadership. Thus the “good over Israel” changes into the common good of “God be good to us.”

It is important to say, the Midianites challenged Israel culturally while in the desert. Despite this, Rabbi Yosef Bechor Schur, a 12th-century commentator from Orléans in France, who often included in his commentaries dimensions of psychology and environmental influence, “And thou wast before our eyes”: “Other strangers shall look upon thee, and give heart to convert.”

Instead of chef meals

What was true over 3,000 years ago is also true for the private sector today. It is imperative to bring “eyes” to Israel – powerful talents who contribute to the economy and challenge us culturally.

Some companies try to entice employees through chef meals, gyms, fun days for employees and pampering physical conditions. This is not the way. When companies are refinancing human capital, it is advisable to follow the strategy that proved itself during the journey in the desert and not choose the one that was met with the refusal of the Midianites. If you want to recruit talented employees, from Israel and the world, you need to offer them significant challenges, a vision that changes reality and, most importantly, a partnership.

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