Strike in the education system: Studies in the Jerusalem area will begin at 10:00

by time news

This week, too, there may be disruptions in the learning routine of Israeli students due to the teachers’ struggle to improve their salaries, and this morning (Sunday) classes in kindergartens, elementary schools and middle schools will begin at 10:00 in the Jerusalem area.

These are the localities where the strike will take place

Abu Ghosh, Efrat, Beit Aryeh (Ofarim), Beit El, Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit, Jordan Valley, Givat Zeev, Gush Etzion, Har Adar, Hebron, Jerusalem, Mevaseret Zion, Megilot, Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, Modi’in Illit, Mateh Binyamin, Mateh Yehuda, Ma’ale Adumim, Ma’ale Ephraim, Kiryat Arba and Kiryat Ya’arim.

“There are teachers who teach two classes, where does that sound like !?”

As you may recall, only last weekend there was a similar strike in the education system in the central region, when schools were opened later. The secretary general of the Teachers ‘Union, Yaffa Ben-David, then attacked the Ministry of Finance’s conduct regarding teachers’ salaries and said: “We are preventing a situation where we will reach September 1 and there will be no one to receive the students in kindergartens and schools. There is a very severe distress today, there are teachers who educate two classes, where does such a thing sound !? So we are not waiting for the last minute, we have been warning about the situation for several months. “From January we are in negotiations and unfortunately the treasury is dragging its feet, detached and sealed without knowing what is happening on the ground.”

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