Nupes and the presidential coalition given “elbow to elbow” in the French legislative elections

by time news

The first estimates after the first round of legislative elections, Sunday June 12, give the Nupes (left) and the presidential coalition “neck to neck”, like the title Time in Swiss. The left and the pro-Macron would even be tied at 25.2% of the vote according to the Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate made public at 8 p.m.

The RN is given third (18.9%). The Republicans, they continue their collapse: LR-UDI-DVD would obtain only 13.7% of the vote. With 3.9%, Reconquest! does not confirm his presidential score. Eric Zemmour is even beaten in the Var in the first round. These figures, however, had to be refined overnight, the results of the major cities having not yet fallen at 8 p.m.

It prevents. The match between Macron and Mélenchon is confirmed. For the foreign press, the whole issue of these legislative elections lay in the score of the united left. Was she going to deprive the re-elected president of an absolute majority that would allow him to govern as he sees fit? Even force him to cohabit? If he does not obtain an absolute majority, President Emmanuel Macron “will have to seek allies to push through laws and reforms. The most likely is that he tries with Les Républicains (LR, right). He would find himself with his hands tied.” explains the daily life of Barcelona The vanguard.

“Draw between Macron and Mélenchon in French legislative elections marked by abstention”, title on his side The country, in Spain again. Abstention is indeed the other major fact of this election: it would be 52.8%, which constitutes a record for a first round of legislative elections under the Fifth Republic.

Among the explanations put forward by the foreign press, a form of weariness of the French. “Four days of voting in a row creates democratic fatigue”, emphasize again The vanguard, recalling that the two rounds of legislative elections (June 12 and 19) are organized just after the presidential election.

“Tactical half-victory” for the left?

Has La Nupes succeeded in its bet? In the state, it would obtain a score a little lower than those of the last polls, as well as the presidential coalition. “The left was betting a lot on coming out on top […] to initiate a mobilization dynamic for the second round”, remember Time in an analysis. For her, the results of this first round seem mixed: “the Melenchonist left hoped to provoke an electric shock that could change the situation. But voters largely shunned the first round,” underlines the Swiss newspaper.

“Bad news for the democratic health of the French system of course, but also bad news for Nupes […]. Without this type of electroshock, it will be difficult for her to move the lines against the presidential majority.

In the National Assembly, indeed, “the first projections of the 577 seats give an advantage to the outgoing majority united under the label Ensemble!, with a range of 260 to 300 seats, in front of the left (LFI, PCF, PS and EELV) united under the banner Nupes (150 at 208), according to the Harris Institute”, Explain The evening in Belgium.

“On the Nupes side, there is little hope of imposing a government of cohabitation on Mr. Macron, as the plural left achieved in 1997 with Lionel Jospin”, reads the newspaper. Before emphasizing:

“The left should still impose itself as the main opposition bloc at the Palais-Bourbon. A form of tactical half-victory when on the other side of the hemicycle, the Republicans will count their survivors among the hundred outgoing, hoping to make the most of their local roots.

Jean-Michel Blanquer beaten

“As expected, the candidates of the National Rally […] have failed to capitalize on the momentum of Marine Le Pen in the presidential election”, add The evening, even though the RN contingent should be “significantly more substantial” than in 2017.

“The second round of the French legislative elections [dimanche 19 juin] should basically see duels, precise Time. Between significant abstention and the obligation to obtain a score of 12.5% ​​of voters […] few situations with three candidates in the race should arise.”

The Free Belgium points out some important results for personalities of the outgoing majority. Elisabeth Borne would win with 32.5% of the vote in her constituency. On the contrary, “former Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer was beaten in the first round” in Loiret.

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