Legislative elections France 2022, abstention over 52%

by time news

Legislative elections in France, ‘abstention wins’. According to the latest estimates in the first round, the rate would be estimated at 52.8% from the Ipsos projections for France 24. It would be uAn absolute record for French policies.

Our first collective duty is to reduce abstention“commented the French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, speaking of the data on the first round in which”over one in two Frenchmen did not go to one o’clock“. Borne then addressed” all those who abstained “, urging them to” believe in the strength of their vote and to make their voices heard next Sunday“.

PROJECTIONS – Head to head in the first round of the legislative elections in France between ‘Ensemble!’, The party of President Emmanuel Macron and the left-wing Nupes coalition, which according to Ipsos projections for France24 would have won 25.2% of the votes each. Third place for Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National, at 18.9%.

MELENCHON – Jean-Luc Mélenchon believes that the party of President Emmanuel Macron “is beaten and defeated” in the first round of the legislative elections. “At the end of this first round, the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) comes out in the lead. It will be present in more than 500 constituencies in the second round,” said the leader of the left commenting on the first projections on the results of the elections. “For the first time in the Fifth Republic, a newly elected president failed to obtain a majority in subsequent legislative elections”, Mélenchon observed, inviting voters “to go to the polls next Sunday”, to “definitively reject the disastrous projects of the majority of Macron “.

ZEMMOUR – Far-right leader Éric Zemmour failed to make it to the second round of legislative elections in the Var constituency in southern France. The founder of ‘Reconquete’ with 23.19% stops in third place, behind the candidate of the presidential coalition ‘Ensemble’, Sereine Mauborgne, who obtains 28.51% of the votes and the candidate of the Rassemblement National, Philippe Lottiaux, who wins 24.72% of the votes.

THE PEN – “It is important not to leave Emmanuel Macron a majority that he will abuse”. Thus, at the end of the first round of the French legislative elections, Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, which according to the first estimates obtained 18.9% of the votes.

By letting Macron have the majority, “we risk entering a tunnel without light,” said Le Pen, inviting voters from the constituencies where a candidate from the President’s Ensemble party is clashing! and one of Nupes, the New Ecological and Social Popular Union led by the leftist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “not to choose between the destroyers from above and the destroyers from below”.

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