A call to respect human life and places of worship

by time news

Several Christian churches, including Catholic churches in Myanmar’s Kaya and Chin provinces, have been hit by airstrikes and bombings.

Christopher Francis: Vatican

Catholic bishops in war-torn Myanmar have called for the sanctity of human life, places of worship, hospitals and schools to be respected.

The Myanmar Episcopal Conference (CBCM) said in a statement on Saturday, June 11, that human dignity and the right to life should never be neglected and that places of worship, hospitals and schools should be valued.

A statement issued at the end of a general assembly of Myanmar bishops from July 7 to 10 called on all dioceses in the country to pray and work for peace.

Catholic bishops, while working for justice, peace and reconciliation, have called on the government to pave the way for humanitarian aid to reach the diaspora within the country.

Meanwhile, the Myanmar military has been targeting Catholic churches and Catholic institutions in recent months.

Many Christian churches, including those in Kaya and Sin, have been hit by airstrikes and bombings.

Thousands of people have migrated to countries like India. The army has set fire to at least 450 homes in the historic Catholic villages of Chan Thar and Chaung Yoe. (UCAN)

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