Pizza Hut’s new Pizza Hut: How come they didn’t think of it before?

by time news

Pizza – This dish with the crunchy dough, the juicy sauce and the melted cheese, is one of those that almost no person on the ball will be able to resist a triangle. And yet, you are probably familiar with the “regular” (if you can say pizza is something ordinary) with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. There have been such and such inventions that have upgraded the existing pizza, whether it be a different sauce, special toppings or request filling, but this time, with a few minor changes, Chef Guy Gamzo managed to surprise us as well.

The new collaboration of Guy Gamzo, the chef and owner of the Aria restaurant and the French-American bun buffet NUNUNU, together with Pizza Hut, has released to the world the Pizza Fresca, which we will probably start ordering from now on. While maintaining the basic lines of pizza as everyone loves, Gamzo decided to give a little twist in each of the stages so he could produce a new one that would speak to almost any corrupt dough-loving palate.

Pizza Fresco, just like its name, puts the trendy fresco cheese in the center, which is a perfect combination of mozzarella stuffed with soft cream cheese. When you think about it, how come you did not think of it before?

Tasty and juicy, even after two hours (Photo: Yaniv Cohen)

What Gamzo did is very simple, but significant. He used the classic thin pizza dough of Pizza Hut, he replaced the tomato sauce with sweet cream cheese with a fun after-taste of garlic and he upgraded the classic mozzarella cheese to a fresh mozzarella, which goes hand in hand with the sauce. The flavors of the newly born pizza may not bring a new line to the Italian world, but they are certainly good enough to give them the respect they deserve.

PS: Although I ate the first three triangles when they were hot and fresh, I kept the remaining ones afterwards – and that was definitely one of the successful decisions. In the extra bite, which I took maybe two hours after the first, the dough was still soft, the hard was crunchy and the flavors seemed to sharpen even more as she sat at the table and waited for me.

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