the great writers on «la Lettura» –

by time news
from Culture editorial staff

Extra digital, books, plays, films on the Salzburg genius. In the insert, on newsstands and App, the historical novel on the “young Mozart in the Vatican” by Giacomo Cardinali (Sellerio)

Stendhal began, who with his prose in 1814, just over twenty years after Mozart’s death, immortalized his life. Then came theatrical plays, operas, films, re-readings. Thus the composer became an icon. Today in the Theme of the Day of the App of «la Lettura», the digital-only extra newspaper, Annachiara Sacchi proposes a journey through books, feature films and other fictional works dedicated to the precocious and lasting genius of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). In «la Lettura» # 550, on the other hand, available on newsstands and in the App, Annachiara Sacchi herself writes on the historical novel «The young Mozart in the Vatican. Allegri’s “Miserere” affair »by the philologist and paleologist Giacomo Cardinali (Sellerio, pages 258, euro 18).

In addition to the Theme of the Day and the new issue of the insert preview on Saturday, the «la Lettura» App also offers the entire archive of releases from 2011 to today. The subscription price is 3.99 euros per month or 39.99 per year, with a free week (also available from here). For those who subscribe, all the contents of the App can also be reached from the desktop, starting from their Profile page. Furthermore, the subscription can be given as a gift from this page or by purchasing a Gift Card in

In the “Themes” section of the App, other insights are also available, such as the one in which Helmut Failoni traces the history of Village Vanguard, a famous club opened in 1935 in the heart of Greenwich Village in New York, where all the greatest jazz players in history have passed: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk…. In the supplement # 550, on newsstands and in the App, Failoni interviews the pianist and composer Enrico Pieranunzi, the only Italian (and one of the three Europeans) to have recorded as a leader at the Village Vanguard. The extra signed by Vincenzo Trione is instead dedicated all’autofiction nell’arte: the artists who investigate themselves from Leonardo, Parmigianino, Titian and Velázquez to Sophie Calle, Björk, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Cindy Sherman … In the supplement # 550 Trione himself reads Lightnings. True stories by Sophie Calle, a French artist who has always made autofiction the center of her works (translation by Maria Baiocchi, pp. 139, euro 21). Among the focuses of the App there is also the opening of the book What the tide hides (Ponte alle Grazie) of the Spanish bestseller María Oruña; Elisabetta Rosaspina writes about the number.

To open the new issue of the supplement, the # 550 is art raided, disappeared or destroyed in wars – friezes of the Parthenon, finds from Baghdad … – and, vice versa, the museums that testify to the conflicts. They take care of it the reportage by Francesco Battistini from Kiev, from the new rooms of the museum where testimonies of the conflict are collected, and the reflections and articles by Claudio Magris, Marco Mondini, Stefano Bucci, Luigi Ippolito, Adriano Favole, Edoardo Sassi and Antoine Pecqueur.

In the number three great writers who will be in Italy this summer, tell each other or propose their own text. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2021, Abdulrazak Gurnah (Monday 13 June with Paolo Giordano at the Milanesiana conceived and directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi), talks about little-known events in African history in the new novel Voice in flight (The ship of Theseus) and in the interview by Alessia Rastelli. Spaniard Arturo Pérez-Reverte (at the Sardinian festival Between two shores 22 and 23 June) tells his romance of love and war Italian (Rizzoli) in the interview with Sara Gandolfi. And the French Michel Houellebecq will be in Taormina (Messina), in Taobuk, on 17 and 18 June: on “la Lettura” offers a preview of the reflection he will read at the festival, offering his (cutting) opinion on intellectuals, gods from beyond the Alps such as Sartre and Malraux and science fiction.

Two years ago, on June 15, 2020, it passed away the philosopher of science Giulio Giorello, a great friend of “la Lettura”: The graphic novel by Ciaj Rocchi, Matteo Demonte and Telmo Pievani recalls the number, which evokes Giorello’s love for cartoons (above in video novel version and here a text signed by the three authors). And again Steve Martin from cinema to drawing with Harry Bliss, in the article by Stefania Ulivi; the technological secrets to unmask art fakes in the article by Anna Gandolfi.

June 10, 2022 (change June 13, 2022 | 9:07 pm)

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