Harel Skaat: “If not a singer, I would probably be a contractor”

by time news

Where do we catch you?

“I finished rehearsing for the music video for the song ‘Welcome to the Mess.’

How and where do you drink your coffee?

“My coffee drinking ceremony has changed in the last year. Once it was on the road in the car, spilled on the dashboard. Since era in the Knesset, we get newspapers every morning, so I open the door, take a newspaper, look at the headlines while having coffee and go out for my day.”

Who would you like to sit down with for a beer?

“With Freddie Mercury. Admired him since I was a kid and I would like to talk to him about music, courage and what people think.”

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Leisure Harel Skaat Singer

Harel Skaat

(Photo: Yuval Chen)

What are you working on now?

“About new songs, all the time. I’m the kind of singers who like to take their time and be precise, especially the lyrics. When I write a song, I want to sing it 40-30 years ahead so I invest my time in it. I started this month a summer tour of shows all over the country in parks And amphitheatres. And I have a really new podcast ‘Harel Skaat must ask.’ I’m also very interested in issues unrelated to music and sometimes deal with them like psychology, real estate, economics and even politics. The first to be hosted were Eden Hasson, Danny Friedlander and Ron Bitton and there were some interesting conversations. It’s fun because it’s a place in my personality that I have wanted to spend a lot of time with. ”

What’s your scratch?

“I discovered my scratch in the corona. I knew it existed but I did not understand how much it affects me: it is very difficult for me to be told what to do. I know it sounds childish but difficult for me with frames I do not choose, especially when priming for my life. “Another person, the knowledge that I could not go out and do what I wanted drove me crazy.”

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Above all and beyond the whole family and relationships are the most important thing there is. I learned it over time and it’s also something my parents always instilled in us, and today I manage to apply, and it’s a torch that goes before me all the time and I’m happy about it.

How do you like to spend Friday at noon?

“Take Bnei Ari from kindergarten and as soon as we get in the car we put Daklon ” Friday has arrived ‘and dance in the car. On Friday afternoons we spend quality time and of course, eat Yemeni soup and bread that my mother or my mother make, usually it’s my mother.”

Under what circumstances do you lie?

“I’m not lying, but I do stretch people, work on them sometimes.”

Who do you think is the sexiest person?

“Right now Harry Styles. Super cool and super sexy.”

Why do you miss?

“To the world before the social networks. The networks flood all of us with all the unnecessary things in life. I do not agree with the people who say it is closer and united. Absolutely not.”

Where would you most like to live?

“Like when I was a child in Kfar Saba, in an open area with spaces, groves, orchards and citrus trees.”

What do you like to spend your money on?

“About vacations. For me, all the money I earn is spent on vacations, both with the people of the age and with the children. These are the most beautiful moments in which experiences accumulate and concentrate on what is important in life.”

What would you like to change yourself?

“I would like to be more decisive in some cases. There is something about being a musician and a writer and creator that is constantly going back and forth because of questions and accuracy, because it’s not math. Sometimes it takes me a long time so I think once you know how to write a song fast “Do the same with desires and feelings.”

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

“The family I started against the odds in the world. Family and relationships are my anchor and my victory and I am most proud of that.”

What scares you?

“Being a singer is constantly being interested and writing and getting to know and loving, and it scares me that one day this curiosity will run out and the desire will take a different form.”

What makes you happy?

“In the first show I did in Caesarea a few months ago Ari wore an orange shirt and stood out in the audience, and I kept seeing him from the stage. Standing on stage in Caesarea and seeing all the audience that came and Idan with Ari, a moment after Isla my daughter was born, was a happy moment. “Very big and important things, because sometimes it comes at the expense of something. I realized I was on the right track.”

What do you consider to be your most valuable asset?

“The greatest gift I have received from God besides children is my voice. Knowing that I am able to excite, heal and make people happy in my voice. If we talked about a superpower, then it’s a superpower that I thank every day. “

Who are the artists who most influenced your work?

“The synagogue I prayed in when I was a child was adjacent to the religious kindergarten I was educated in. I then had a tassel and a dome and the Yemenite cantors in the very nearby synagogue influenced the way I sang and serve and the tastes and voices I love to this day.”

If you were not a singer and musician what would you do?

“Either I was dealing in real estate, or a developer or a contractor. Or I was in the business of psychology and personal development. “

Residence: Tel Aviv

Marital status: Married to MK and Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll + 2

This month began a summer tour around the country. Upcoming performances on June 2 at the Israel Latrun Mini Amphitheater and on June 29 at Zappa Ganei Yehoshua Park in Tel Aviv

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