Hand sweating is not a sign of heart disease | RYT9

by time news

Many people may mistakenly think that the symptoms “Sweaty hands” can be a sign of heart disease. which is the initial symptom that occurs In addition to the common symptoms of heart disease, which are easily tired, difficult to breathe. have breathlessness or syncope for unknown reasons Swollen legs or feet for unknown reasons or the tip of the hands, feet, and lips look dark green These are symptoms that occur and are at risk for heart disease.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sira Laohathai, a thoracic surgeon specializing in laparoscopic surgery from the Faculty of Medicine, Wachira Nursing Hospital described the symptoms of heart disease as Patients often have chest pain or tightness and pain radiating to the neck or left arm. In some cases, there may also be fatigue, palpitations, or sweating. It most often occurs while the patient is working or exercising.

but vice versa Hand sweating is hyperhidrosis. Patients tend to be on both hands, and Thai people suffer from the disease on average 3% of the country’s population. Easy to think. If Thailand has a population of 70 million people will have the disease. The disease reaches 2.1 million people and can be found in both men and women equally. It is also often on both hands. In some cases, there may be symptoms in the feet or armpits as well. The symptoms that occur are not related to temperature. time or exercise However, this condition We must distinguish from secondary hyperhidrosis such as toxic thyroid, diabetes, pregnancy, neuropathy or taking certain medications. May result in sweating on the hands

Currently, the treatment of sweating at the hands There are many types of treatments available from oral medications. However, the best method of curing is thoraacoscopic sympathectomy, which is done through a small, 1 centimeter incision on both sides of the body to enter. Autonomic nerve (Sympathetic chain) in the 4th and 5th intercostal spaces. However, surgery may have a complication known as Compensatory hyperhidrosis, where sweat replaces the trunk or thighs

hand sweating This is an abnormal signal. that is not life threatening but resulted in a decrease in quality of life Any patient who encounters recommendations should consult a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment on the spot, or can ask for information via lung surgery Facebook or lineofficial; @lungsurgeryth or visit us at www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILReCho3R04&t=42s&ab_channel=Faculty of Medicine

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