Jida Rinawi Zoabi: “I receive death threats from ‘just not Bibi’ people”

by time news

MK Jida Rinawi Zoabi, who has been at the center of the storm in recent weeks following her threats to leave the coalition and her decision to vote against the extension of the Judea and Samaria regulations, said this morning (Tuesday) in an interview with Kol Barama radio that he receives death threats from opponents of Benjamin Netanyahu .

“I can tell, unfortunately for the rabbi, that in the last two weeks I have received death threats from people from a camp just not Bibi. For me, this is a fanatical camp that you do not see with your own eyes and are willing to break all the rules, the main thing is not to see Bibi,”

She also referred to the demand from her party members to resign from the Knesset: “I will stay in the Knesset and I will continue to fight for Arab society. All the briefings on my resignation were embarrassing. I turned to Lapid and Lieberman for help. They were opaque. I am not an extortionist.”

As you may recall, Zoabi was interviewed here on Net B yesterday, and referred to the political storm around her and the demand for her to resign from the Knesset. Zoabi stated that “if in any situation I return home, I will return with my head held high. I am still considering my steps.” This, after sources in her environment made it clear yesterday that she does not intend to resign.

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