selenium foods: selenium benefits: These are the 10 foods rich in selenium …

by time news
We know that Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Beyond that, a lot of the foods that are most readily available to us are rich in selenium. Here we will look at how much selenium our body needs, what foods we can get them from and how it fixes the thyroid problem.

How much selenium is needed?

According to the National Institutes of Health, adults need at least 55 micrograms of selenium a day. But selenium can be taken up to 400 micro grams. Let us know from which food sources we can get them.

Selenium-rich Brazil nuts

100 grams of Brazil nuts contain approximately 544.5 micrograms of selenium. This is almost 990 percent of our daily requirement of selenium.

Selenium rich oysters


Oysters are one of the foods that are high in selenium in seafood. It contains 130.9 micrograms of selenium. This is 283 percent of our daily need for selenium.

Selenium rich tilapia


Fish species known as jellyfish carp are high in selenium. The thorns are a little too much. But the taste is great.

This jellyfish contains 92.5 micrograms of selenium. This is 168 percent of our daily requirement of selenium.

Selenium-rich salmon

Salmon, which is high in omega 3 fatty acids, is also rich in selenium.

Salmon contains 79.6 micrograms of selenium. This is 145 percent of our daily need for selenium.

Wheat rich in selenium

Although wheat is widely used in our daily diet, it is also used as a refined flour. But whole wheat with fiber contains 59.9 micrograms of selenium.

From this whole wheat we can get 100 percent of our daily requirement of selenium.

Flaxseed rich in selenium

About 50 grams of flaxseed contains 7.2 micro grams of selenium.

It is possible to get 13 percent of our daily requirement of selenium from these flax seeds.

Brown rice rich in selenium

White rice is high in carbohydrates. But brown rice contains fiber and selenium.

A small bowl of brown rice contains 11.7 micrograms of selenium. This is 21 percent of the daily requirement.

Selenium-rich oats

We know that oats are high in fiber and magnesium. Oats are also high in selenium.

A small bowl of oats contains 12.6 micrograms of selenium. This is 23 percent of our daily requirement.

Selenium rich shrimp

Seafood is generally higher in selenium than other plant foods. In that sense, shrimp is high in selenium.

100 grams of shrimp contains 42.1 milligrams of selenium. This is 76 percent of our body’s daily need for selenium.

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