Nerve disease after vaccination

by time news

Vaccination may play a role in the onset or recurrence of the nerve disorder neuralgic amyotrophy. In recent years, this condition has occasionally been reported at the Lareb Side Effects Center, for example after the flu vaccination. There were dozens of reports after the administration of a corona vaccination.

In neuralgic amyotrophy, there is inflammation in the nerves between the neck and arm. Symptoms can arise such as: sudden, severe pain in the shoulder and/or arm and muscle weakness. These complaints usually arise within a week. Sometimes tingling or numbness can also develop in the shoulder and/or arm. Usually it involves the shoulder and arm on one side. This can also be on the unvaccinated side. In most cases, a protruding shoulder blade can be seen.

It is not known how neuralgic amyotrophy develops after vaccination
It may have to do with an autoimmune response to the antigen in a vaccine. In addition to vaccination, other factors may also play a role, such as bacterial or viral infections, rheumatic diseases, stressful exercise, trauma, pregnancy, radiation therapy or genetic susceptibility.

Notifications after corona vaccination
Lareb received 70 reports of neuralgic amyotrophy after corona vaccination through February of this year. Most of the reports concerned newly arisen complaints. Some patients had previously had neuralgic amyotrophy. They noticed an aggravation or return of symptoms after the vaccination. In the reports, the patients indicated that the complaints had a high impact on their quality of life. There may be a link between the corona vaccination and the development of neuralgic amyotrophy. However, based on current reports and literature, this cannot yet be confirmed or ruled out.

Read more about neuralgic amyotrophy after corona vaccination in the Pharmaceutisch Weekblad.

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