Legislative: Macron calls for a “solid” majority in the name of “the best interests of the Nation”

by time news

From Orly airport, where he was flying to Romania and Moldova, Emmanuel Macron tried to mobilize the French before the second round of legislative elections on June 19. “We are at the time of choices and the great choices are never made by abstention. I therefore appeal to your common sense and to the Republican leap”, he declared on the tarmac on Tuesday, estimating that “Sunday no voice should be missing from the Republic”.

“Neither abstention, nor confusion, but clarification”, he proclaimed in a solemn tone, before going to a NATO base in Romania to greet the 500 French soldiers who are deployed there and to carry out a support visit to Moldova and a possible trip to kyiv. “Today I want to convince you to give the country a solid majority,” said the Head of State, explaining that he “needs a solid majority to ensure order outside and inside. ‘within our borders’.

While the Nupes led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon is hot on his heels in the votes, Emmanuel Macron insisted that voters choose not to “add French disorder to the world disorder”. A way to target his opponents, without naming them. “On the contrary, we must defend our institutions against all those who challenge and weaken them,” he added, thus seeming to send back the candidates of the Nupes and those of the RN.

“Nothing would be worse than getting lost in immobility”

He assured that he had heard “the difficulties that were expressed” during the first round on Sunday where the outgoing majority arrived neck and neck with the Nupes in front of the National Rally, a result which does not guarantee that the Head of State can count on an absolute majority during its second five-year term. “Faced with the crises that are sure to arise, nothing would be worse than losing ourselves in immobility, in blocking, in postures,” said Macron.

“For that we need a solid majority to guarantee our independence”, he insisted, in front of the plane which takes him on his first tour in the south-east of Europe directly affected by the invasion of Ukraine at the end of February.

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