The Jerusalem audience received the Dortmund dance troupe with stormy applause

by time news

On a rainy Jerusalem evening, stormy applause was heard in the Schroever Hall at the Jerusalem Theater, which was packed. In a performance by the dance troupe that came from Dortmund, and performed works by the greatest choreographers of our time: William Forsyth, Edward Kellogg, Alexander Ackman and Xin Feng Wang who is also the artistic director and choreographer of the troupe, the dancers demonstrated virtuoso talent and a wide range of movement. From a classical dance on fingers to a modern work full of humor. The band did not cease to surprise when, along with the dancers, four musicians also appeared on stage who blended wonderfully with the magic that took place in front of the astonished audience.

This week, the band completed a round of performances in Israel at the Tel Aviv Opera House, the Jerusalem Theater and the Haifa Auditorium.

Ballet Dortmund. From ballerina dances on the fingertips with a classic tutu to sounds produced from drumming on the body. Photo: PR

The Dortmund Opera Ballet, one of the most exciting and important repertoire bands in Europe, under the artistic direction of Shin Feng Wang She captivated the audience during her tour of Israel.

The band known for the exclusive artistic concepts it creates and its unique ballet productions demonstrated its virtuoso abilities in a program that includes works by choreography stars: William Foresight, Edward Klug, Xin Feng Wang and Alexander Ackman.

The show’s artistic program included masterpieces by important choreographers:

״The distinct thrill of Duke ‘ By William Foresight To music by Schubert, A sensual tribute by Foresight, the star of the choreographers, to the dance art of George Blanchin. A high-precision geometric deception game, in a contemporary neoclassical style, that pushes the boundaries of art towards life.

״קקטוס״ By Alexander Ackman To music by Hayden, Schubert, Beethoven Which won its creator the prestigious “Swan” award. A humorous work for 16 dancers and 4 musicians who together create an original symphony with beatings, applause, breaths, words, strings, strings and cacti.

Cactus, the actors who create and disassemble the set that changes from moment to moment along with their body movement

״פולחן האביב״ By Edward Wise To music by Stroinsky: An electrifying and mesmerizing work that deals with violence, sacrifice, liberation, purification, the stage becomes a smooth and magical lake. The work was performed only at Tel Aviv Opera House performances.

״Eden” By Shin Feng Wang The band’s artistic director, for music by 48° Nord Which is part of a trilogy inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Dante and Beatrice dance their eternal love in a celestial dimension, in which the orbits of the stars merge inseparably with the rejoicing of the angels, “Love that drives the sun and the stars!” The work was exhibited in Jerusalem and Haifa instead of “Spring Worship.”

The show received rave reviews: “Cheerful thrill with perfect technique… Dortmund stood out in the first league.” (Music Magazine, “A masterpiece of contemporary dance theater, a huge explosion!” “Westfälische Rundschau)).

Ballet Dortmund Whose virtuoso dancers come from 18 countries, was established in 1904 and has been operating for over a hundred years. The entry in 2003 of the Chinese choreographer Shin Feng Wang As artistic director she brought the band to records in the international dance scene.

His artistic path is influenced by his biography. He was born in China where he studied choreography at the Peking Dance Academy and later studied modern dance at the Polkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany. He danced as the lead dancer in Peking’s main dance troupe and the Aalto Ballet Ballet, where he created many choreographies. In 2000 he worked with renowned director Zhangi Yimu and together they created the famous Chinese ballet “The Red Lanterns”.

Under his leadership, the Dortmund Ballet has become an innovative force in the European dance scene. Wang, who based his work on a neoclassical dance language, emphasizes the discovery of new literary themes and composers for full-length narrative ballet: “I see dance as an interface of many forms of artistic expression – music, performing arts and literature. The band includes dancers from around the world “We express strong artistic influences in different cultural influences. We want to touch and inspire our audience. So that everyone comes out of the evening in a different way from how he enters and feels that something is happening.”

The band’s repertoire under his direction includes new and existing works by well-known choreographers such as William Foresight, Alexander Ackman, Wayne McGregor, Hans Van Mann, Mauro Bigonzesty, Christian Spock, Benjamin Milfayed, Caitano Soto, Edward Liang, Douglas and Iglis Lee, Demilis, Demis , Richard Siegel, Edward Klug, Johan Inger, Akram Khan and George Blanchin.

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