Disappointment for Netflix: The most beloved series fails to rise

by time news

Strange things (YouTube photo / Strange things)

Will no longer break the record of “The Squid Game”: In its third week on the world’s largest video streaming service, Season 4 of “Strange Things” still holds the title of most-watched series – and the most-watched content in general (i.e., even compared to movies, quite predictably) – But now it is quite clear that it will no longer become the most watched series in the history of service. This is after its number of viewing hours dropped last week to 159 million hours last Sunday – less than half of last week’s figure, which was also not close to the peak set by the “Squid Game” in September 2021 (about 571.6 million hours).

If you add the number of hours of viewing of each of the series in its first three weeks (or, rather, two and a half weeks) in service, “The Squid Game” reached 1.1 billion, compared to 781 million for the fourth season of “Strange Things” – a difference of about 40% in favor of the Korean series. Recall that the price of the entire “Squid Game” was estimated at $ 21.4 million, while the “Strange Things” budget stands at at least $ 12 million per episode (and presumably this season the budget is even higher compared to the above figure, which was true for the previous season), Which means that each of its two episodes costs more than the nine episodes of the Korean series.

However, the climax of the “catch-up effect”, as we call it, will be very difficult to take for “Strange Things”: all four of its seasons continue to star in the table for the third week in a row, with the world being second in second place, this season The first in third place and the third season in fourth place, while in Israel the first season is ranked in fourth place, the second season in fifth place and the third season in ninth place.

The sixth season of “The Birmingham Gang” is the most watched series this week apart from “Strange Things” when in the world it settles for fifth place but in Israel is ranked second; After her in Israel, and only in her, is the first half of the first season in the Israeli period drama series “The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” produced by Yes.

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In sixth place in the world mini-documentary series “Scout Landscape: Praying and Silence”; In seventh place in the first season of the vampire series “First Elimination”; “Defense Advocate” in eighth place in the world and seventh in Israel; Season 4 of the “All American” sports series in ninth place in the world; And in tenth place in the world, and eighth in Israel, “Summer of Summer.”

Series that entered the top ten in Israel but not in the world include season 5 of “Queen of the South” (6th place) and “Government: Glory and Power” (Netflix calls it season 1, but this is of course the fourth season of the series, and it is in tenth place this week).

It is interesting to note that in the world table this week all 10 top series are English-speaking series, with the most popular foreign series, the Indian RRR, failing to gain more views than the last English series in the top ten. This is the first time since Netflix has started releasing its weekly data in which no non-English series has achieved a respectable number of views.

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