Bill Gates warns of the risk of a new pandemic after the coronavirus: “It could be the end of society”

by time news

“The possibility of another health crisis occurring in the next twenty years, whether natural or intentional, is greater than fifty percent.” Bill Gates warns again of the risk that a new pandemic even worse than that of the coronavirus could decimate the world population with worse lethality levels. The Microsoft founder outlined his predictions on the sidelines of the TIME 100 Summit in New York. Bill Gates detailed during his speech that “considering that the covid has claimed 20 million victims worldwide and a million in the US, we can say that we were lucky. The mortality rate per case has been 0.2% ». The tycoon, through the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, will allocate 125 million dollars to finance research projects related to the fight against covid, since “the pandemic is not over.” However, and despite specifying that “the good news is that we know how to prevent the next” virus, Bill Gates once again launched a new warning in his last speech in New York: “Given how destabilizing the coronavirus pandemic has been, Covid-19, if another virus emerges with similar virulence but a much higher mortality rate, say five percent, it could be the end of society.” Thus, to improve the effectiveness of global disease monitoring, Bill Gates advocates the creation of a “Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization” team, which would be made up of 3,000 experts in infectious diseases and would be managed by the World Health Organization. health. According to the proposals proposed by Bill Gates, these professionals would help conduct simulations of disease outbreaks to test response mechanisms.

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