Gafni took credit and the garden chain was furious: “Porcelain crowns tied around his neck” • First publication

by time news

Last night (Tuesday), readers of the Yated Ne’eman magazine were informed about the increase in the budget for kindergarten teachers in special education and kindergarten teachers in the kindergartens of the unofficial seller, “thanks to the work of the chairman of Degel HaTorah, MK Moshe Gafni.” This is an increase made possible by the addition of those institutions to the Ofek program of the Ministry of Education. But the network of gardeners was shocked to discover that the credit was being taken, and in a conversation with ‘JDN News’, they revealed exactly how the increase in gardeners’ salaries was carried out.

According to the sources in the kindergarten network, the salary of the kindergarten teachers in the network increased this month due to surpluses that have accumulated over the years in the network’s lending accountant’s coffers. According to them, after the wise management of the new management after the retirement of Yitzhak Reich, who was previously the CEO of the Gardens Network and currently serves as Deputy Chairman of the Rechasim Council, the Accountant General approved them to release funds for gardeners, whose salaries have been frozen for a decade.

In a message sent to the kindergarten teachers who are members of the network, it is stated that “with a busy heart and thanks to God, we are happy to announce that the network management has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Education on thawing the wages gradually. “With the salary transferred today, and in accordance with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the news is reflected in hundreds of kindergarten teachers – if the kindergarten principals who received a HF grant of between 1,000 and 3,000 NIS and in SD for another 3 months will be added hundreds of shekels.”

Another argument made by the Kindergarten Network, in contrast to the credit of the chairman of Torah Judaism, is that the entry of special education into the Ofek program was made following a petition to the High School of Special Kindergartens to be presented by Mr. David Sharper and others. According to them, it was only thanks to the petition that the Ministry of Education withdrew from it and ruled that there was indeed discrimination and it would be amended, and without any connection to Gafni’s activities.

Readers of Yated were also informed that thanks to Gafni’s work, the “Educate a Boy” project in the small yeshivas will also receive an increase in budget. According to sources in the education network, this is a project established by MK Meir Porush and the Agudat Israel faction for yeshiva students, and it has been budgeted for a second year from the Ministry of Education and not from coalition funds, following the dizzying success of the project in yeshivas and its non-discrimination management.

The management of the kindergarten network was outraged that Gafni took the credit for raising the salary, which they claimed was done without any connection to the MK’s actions. In a conversation with JDN News, they sharply attacked And Kels in the eyes of the public by sticking news in the media. “They further added that” it would be better for Gafni to stop tying porcelain crowns around his neck. “

On behalf of MK Moshe Gafni, a response was made: “Lies and lies”

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