MK Tessler: “The Torah demands insult, the violation of the Gadoi has led to the humiliation of Handel” • Watch

by time news

Photo: Knesset Channel

After the fall of the coalition today (Wednesday) in the vote to cancel the kosher cellular reform, MK Yaakov Tessler spoke in the Knesset plenum and said “I heard earlier today the Minister of Communications Yoaz Handel, standing here and preaching to us brazenly and arrogantly, how to educate our children and how to manage Our way of life. He knows better than us what is good for us, he understands better than the great men of Israel what is the right way for us, and in general, he recommends that we – the ultra-Orthodox representatives hear from him, what the ultra-Orthodox public wants. “

“And all of the above, joins his contempt for the great men of Israel, rabbis, heads of yeshivas and rebbe who came to his office, in a precedent-setting manner, to express their pain in the face of the danger he is trying to lead in this reform. He heard their concern, but treated them with demonstrable contempt. He is present in the great sorrow that this reform causes them, but has shown indifference and shrug towards them. Not only was he most proud, he did not bother to wear a kippah in their honor, he further preached morality to them with impudence and rudeness. Zero respect for rabbis and tradition. “The Torah demands an insult. Publicly harming the great men of Israel has led to the humiliation of Handel today.”

Tessler added, “The truth must be told. Behind the beautiful words of encouraging competition and supposedly improving service, are the interests of the enemies of the ultra-Orthodox public, whose goal is to break down the walls within which the ultra-Orthodox public wants to fortify themselves of their own free will and personal choice.”

“The kosher cellular initiative began about twenty years ago with the guidance of the great men of Israel from all denominations and circles. No one can determine and decide for the ultra-Orthodox public the nature of their values ​​and way of life. No one is allowed to prevent a consumer organization “Individual freedom. This is a fatal blow to hundreds of thousands of consumers, whose values ​​are at stake and we will fight it without compromise.”

Tessler said at the end of his speech, “Minister Handel, leave it to us! Leave it to our children! Many before you have tried to intervene and harm our values, by various means and have not succeeded. They have not succeeded and you will not succeed in Gaza either.”

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