the delicious art of cheating at cards under the Ancien Régime

by time news

Video games are full of virtual card games, whether they are essentials of the competitive scene, like Hearthstone, or independent titles such as cabalistic Inscryption. All of them, however, have one thing in common: it is impossible to cheat there – or, in any case, not as a maraud could have done in 18th-century France.e century. Now it is precisely this character that the game Card Shark invites you to play: a mute young man recruited by the Count of Saint-Germain to become his accomplice in a series of scams.

You don’t need to know the rules of the game you’re playing. All you have to do is follow the count’s instructions: prepare the cards, mark them or evade them to superbly remind us of the high level of sociability and trickery of those good old card games around a table. . At least until you get caught palming an ace and are shot on the spot with a blunderbuss ball.

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The Guardian (London)

Independence and quality characterize this title born in 1821, which counts among its ranks some of the most respected columnists in the country. The Guardian is the reference newspaper for the intelligentsia, teachers and trade unionists. Oriented to the center left, he is very critical of the Conservative government.
Unlike other British reference dailies, the newspaper has chosen a site with free access, which it shares with its Sunday edition, The Observer. The two press titles switched to tabloid format in 2018. This decision was part of a logic of cost reduction, while The Guardian had been losing money continuously for twenty years. A successful strategy: in May 2019, the editorial director, Katharine Viner, announced that the newspaper was profitable, a first since 1998.

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