National players crunch for their first coaching license | Free press

by time news

Between everyday life in the league, the Champions League and courses, more than a dozen national soccer players still pursue a very special goal.

Dresden (AP) – Before the German women’s national team starts qualifying for the World Cup, many national players have already been busy training. 14 are currently cramming around the courses and their daily league routine for the elite youth license, the first step towards a coaching license.

“That’s a great statement, it’s going in exactly the right direction. Whether they’ll all be coaches later and saw on my chair is an open question, “said national coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg with a smile this week.

The measure began in June with a digital kick-off event, and in July there was a one-week course at the Grünberg sports school. Everything runs through the DFB Academy and Patrik Grolimund, the head of the football teacher training. It continued on Monday and Tuesday of this week. «We were absolutely thrilled that our players were interested in this. For us this is a huge added value, ”says Voss-Tecklenburg.

Lina Magull from FC Bayern explained: “For us these are experiences that also help us as players.” Grolimund sees “potential trainers in the field”. This is exactly what the DFB lacks on many levels. And it is precisely these incentives that must be created when promoting women, said Voss-Tecklenburg.

The national players have long since moved from the theory of coaching back to practice on the pitch. On September 18 (4:05 p.m. / ARD) it’s in Cottbus against Bulgaria, on September 21 (4:00 p.m. / ZDF) in Chemnitz against Serbia.

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