Science Some Line News | Dynamics

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Sailorless ship!

The ship, which had no sailors or human helpers, was previewed by the Chinese company, CSSC Huangpu Wensong Shipping Co. This automotive ship will carry drones for the Navy and Air Force. The ship is powered by three-dimensional cameras and artificial intelligence. The automaker recently completed a 3-hour preview.

Screenless film!

The ‘hologram’ technology is to display the image without a screen to block the light. This has been implemented by the Looking Glass Factory. Last year, Looking Glass introduced a 32-inch three-dimensional hologram device with an ‘8-K ‘accuracy. Currently the new hologram tool ‘Looking Glass 65’ shows a 65 inch image. Soon hologram kits will replace television.

The dinosaur also has a navel!

In fantasy-drawn dinosaur films, the navel is absent. But scientists have found that obsolete dicers also have a navel. The navel was found in an area of ​​some stoned dinosaur body found in China. Scientists have confirmed that this is a dinosaur that lived 130 million years ago. This is the first time such an discovery has been made in the dinosaur world.

Plastic eating worm!

Researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia, have discovered that a particular worm can infect plastic. Scientists fed only plastic on the worms, Zophobas morio. They ate it as it was, concentrated it, got energy from it, and even added a little weight. From this, it is clear that the microbes in the stomachs of these worms can dissolve plastic and gain energy.


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