Protects from cancer and reduces weight..a green drink that has a magical effect on the health of the body

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A report on the “Web Medicine” website revealed the benefits and harms of matcha (a type of green tea), which is popular in Japan.

What is matcha tea?

Matcha tea is nothing but a powder of a certain type of green tea, which is placed in hot water and drunk together, and matcha tea is prepared from the same green tea tree, except that it is planted in the shade, in order to increase the chlorophyll (chlorophyll). ) in its leaves and various other substances such as: the amino acid L-theanine.

Matcha tea benefits

Many scientific studies have examined matcha tea and its benefits, and found that it is associated with the following health benefits:

Enhance focus abilities

The presence of the amino acid lethanine in matcha tea helps to increase relaxation and comfort, and if combined with the caffeine also found in matcha tea, it can help increase alertness and the ability to focus.

In a study published in 2017, targeting 17 participants, it was found that consuming 200 mg of the amino acid lethanine improved mental abilities and attention, and researchers noted that this result became stronger if the amino acid was combined with caffeine.

Reducing the risk of cancer

Matcha tea contains an antioxidant called (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate), which has a role in reducing the risk of cancer and various tumors, as it was found that these antioxidants prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body, but more studies and scientific research are needed. In this area.

Contributing to the prevention of heart disease

Eating green tea in general has always been associated with protecting the heart and reducing the risk of various diseases, and the same applies to consuming matcha tea as well, because they contain compounds that contribute to reducing harmful cholesterol levels and reducing triglycerides, and if they are less, it means protecting the heart from diseases more.

Helping lose weight

Weight reduction is one of the matcha tea benefits desired by most of the people who drink it, and the mechanism of action of matcha tea is to speed up the metabolism which increases energy consumption followed by weight loss.

It is preferable to exercise alongside drinking matcha tea to get the desired and satisfactory result.

Other Matcha Tea Benefits

In addition to all of the above, it is believed that there are other benefits of matcha tea, as follows:

Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Liver protection.

Aiding in the weight loss process.

– Lowering blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Promote oral and dental health.

Matcha tea side effects

So far, there are not enough studies that have studied the harms of matcha, but in general, drinking a large amount of tea can increase your caffeine intake, which is associated with a number of side effects.

To avoid any potential harm or side effects, it is important to consume matcha tea in moderation and not to overdo it.

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