Leftover cold bread and naan to satisfy hunger; Afghans under Taliban control

by time news

“In the past, not even five people would come to buy this bread. Today, at least 20 people are coming to buy the rest of this bread,” says Shafi Mohammad, who has been selling bread for the past 30 years.

Symbolic image | Photo by AFP

AThe fall of the Afghans from the US-controlled government into the hands of Taliban militants has not only eroded the freedom and rights of those people. Instead, the Taliban created a very poor population that would line up to buy bread and cold bread to satisfy their hunger. The BBC reports on people selling rotten bread in orange bags in front of a mosque in Kabul and poor people who came to buy it.

The rest of the bread is given to the common cattle. But today it is eaten more by the natives than by the cattle. Poverty afflicts a large section of the population.

“In the past, not even five people would come to buy this bread. Today, at least 20 people are coming to buy the rest of this bread,” says Shafi Mohammad, who has been selling bread for the past 30 years.

Afghanistan under Taliban rule is facing a severe economic crisis. Moreover, the rise in food prices is unaffordable to the common man.

“The people of Afghanistan today are like a nesting bird without water or food,” said Shafi Mohammed.

Although the Afghan people are seeking humanitarian assistance, it is not known how long it will take to keep the people here from starving. The Taliban’s discrimination against women has deterred many countries from helping Afghanistan. With more than half of the country’s population living in poverty, the problem of food shortages is not the same as before. The lives of the Afghan people are in such a precarious state

Many of them eat old loaf of bread with onions or tomatoes. A man who collects bread and makes a living by crying that all his children are thin.

Content Highlights: Afghans are living by eating Scraps of bread, taliban, poverty,social

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