365 lakh children have fled the world

by time news

New York

UNICEF estimates that 365 million children worldwide were displaced by the end of last year. There are many reasons for children to flee, from conflict to violence. This is the highest number since World War II.

228 lakh children were forced to relocate within the country. Climate-environmental disasters and climate change have also caused children to flee.

This year’s evacuations following the Russian-Ukrainian military operation are not included in the report.
Massive exoduses have taken place in war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and weaker countries such as Yemen.

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Roosevelt said the figures were a warning to prevent child migration and ensure education, care and other essential services for displaced children.

Only half of the refugee children are enrolled in primary schools. Only a quarter of those eligible for secondary education are enrolled in schools. The report states that such children need protection in all areas, including health, education and care.

Orphaned and orphaned children are widely targeted for human trafficking, exploitation, assault and violence, the report said. Globally, children make up 28 percent of the victims of human trafficking.

Eng­lish summary;365 lakh chil­dren have fled the world

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