Ile-de-France forests under pressure

by time news

REPORTAGE – The region has been placed on fire red alert for the first time in its history.

“A little freshness, it feels good!” While most French people are still comfortably settled in their beds, Marianne de Prito rushes into the forest of Jouy-en-Josas, south of Yvelines (78). The dew streams lightly over the tall grass, the trees protect the paths from the sun whose strong rays announce the heat to come. With her colleagues, the manager of the Hauts-de-Seine/Yvelines sector carefully monitors the state of health of her forest, which is plagued by drought and therefore fires in these very hot weather.

Since Wednesday, the thermometer has risen to more than 33°C across the country. The Weather Channel* has thus placed a total of 14 departments on heat wave red alert and 51 on orange alert in the face of the exceptional heat wave affecting France this week. For many city dwellers, forests are seen as cool oases. The authorities warn of the risk they run.

Every year, around 3000…

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